
Inherits Statement


Inherits classname
classname (required; String literal)

The name of the inherited (base) class


Specifies the name of the class that is being inherited, that is, the base class. The statement can appear immediately after the Class statement or the Interface statement.

Rules at a Glance

  • The Inherits statement must be the first line of code in the class module. It can be preceeded only by blank lines or comments. For example:

    Public Class CDerivedClass
       Inherits CBaseClass
  • VB.NET supports single code-based inheritance only. That is, there can be only a single Inherits statement in any class module.

  • If the Inherits statement is used to define the interfaces inherited by an interface, multiple interfaces can be listed, with a comma used to delimit them. For example:

             Interface IPerson
                Property Name As String
             End Interface
             Interface IEmployee
                Property SSN As String
             End Interface
             Interface ISalaried
                Inherits IPerson, IEmployee
                Property Salaried As Boolean
                Property Salary As Decimal
             End Interface

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The Inherits statement implements code inheritance. You can also use the Implements statement to implement interface inheritance. In that case, a class can be derived from more than one virtual base class. (In other words, you can effectively implement multiple inheritance through interface inheritance using the Implements statement.)

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