

  1. absenteeism, 32
  2. abusive behavior, 148
  3. acceptance, 282
  4. accountability
    1. culture of, creating, 138–140
    2. discussing with members, 325
    3. observable measures, 251–252
    4. personal disengagement, addressing, 193
    5. team versus individual, 234
  5. acquisitions, 200–201
  6. adjourning stage, 215
  7. advocacy, 50
  8. agendas for meetings, 202–203
  9. agreements, team, 198–200, 332
  10. alignment
    1. Alignment Funnel, 76–77
    2. with company vision and values, 76–78
    3. of culture with values, 153
    4. of goals, 86–87, 331
    5. personal disengagement, addressing, 193
  11. all-hands meetings, 42
  12. analytical culture, 152
  13. applications of independent contractors, keeping, 118
  14. assembling virtual teams, 18–19
  15. assumptions, considering in communication, 226–227
  16. asynchronous training, 259
  17. augmented reality, training with, 259–260
  18. authentic leadership, 304
  19. Ayers, Keith E., 307


  1. baby boomers, 11, 166
  2. background checks, 117
  3. balance, maintaining, 16
  4. Basecamp, 33
  5. behavioral competencies, identifying needed, 98–100
  6. behavioral strengths, 104
  7. bench strength, 140
  8. benefits, 27, 111
  9. Better Business Bureau, 117
  10. Bloom, Jenny, 311
  11. body language, 227
  12. boundary management, 49–50, 302–303
  13. Boyer, Wendy, 251
  14. brain drain, 47
  15. brainstorming process, 239
  16. brainstorming tools, 274
  17. brand
    1. online presence, establishing, 68–69
    2. portfolio, building, 67–68
    3. resume, rebuilding, 66–67
    4. technology, keeping up to date on, 69–70
  18. briefing meeting, before interviews, 105
  19. buddy system, 42, 128–130
  20. bullying, 148
  21. business insurance, 117
  22. business strategy, alignment with, 27–28
  23. business structures,

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