© Ron Veen and David Vlijmincx 2024
R. Veen, D. VlijmincxVirtual Threads, Structured Concurrency, and Scoped ValuesApress Pocket Guideshttps://doi.org/10.1007/979-8-8688-0500-4_2

2. Structured Concurrency

Ron Veen1   and David Vlijmincx2
ENSCHEDE, The Netherlands
HELMOND, The Netherlands
Structured concurrency was the second delivery from Project Loom, right after the virtual threads we introduced in Chapter 1. In this chapter, we will
  • Look at what structured concurrency is

  • Look at an example using structured concurrency

  • Dive into the underlying API with StructuredTaskScope

  • Create a custom StructuredTaskScope implementation

  • Look at some alternatives to structured concurrency

What Is Structured Concurrency?

Structured concurrency lets you reason about ...

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