Chapter 14. Implementing XenExpress
In This Chapter
Seeing what Xen and XenSource have in common (and what they don't)
Getting hold of XenSource XenExpress
Installing XenExpress
Installing XenConsole
Installing Windows XP as a guest virtual machine
Installing XenSource paravirtualized drivers
Accessing a Windows XP guest virtual machine with Remote Desktop Protocol
If you've made your way through the previous two chapters, you've been exposed to two different flavors of virtualization, both of them completely free. Chapter 12 describes how to use VMware Server, an application‐level virtualization product. (By using the phrase application‐level
virtualization product,
I clue you in to the fact that VMware Server installs on top of the native operating system on the machine and sits between the native OS and the guest virtual machines — the phrase is like a secret handshake welcoming you to the virtualization community, so go ahead and make yourself at home.) VMware Server is available at no cost, and you can certainly obtain commercial support for it, but the folks at VMware don't really position VMware Server as a commercial product for production environments. For production use, VMware would much rather sell you the commercial ESX Server product — and they might be fully justified in doing so because ESX Server really is more appropriate for such an environment
Chapter 13 presents the Xen virtualization that is part of Fedora 7. Xen, as you'll no doubt recall from Chapter 3, is an open ...
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