The Cook-Toom algorithm is a linear convolution algorithm for polynomial multiplication. It is based on the Lagrange interpolation theorem. The Lagrange interpolation theorem states that,

“Let β0, … , βn be a set of n + 1 distinct points, and let f(βi), for i = 0, 1, … , n be given. There is exactly one polynomial f(p) of degree n or less that has value f(βi) when evaluated at βi for i = 0, 1, … , n. It is given by


Consider an N-point sequence h = {h0, h1, … , hN−1} and an L-point sequence x = {x0, x1, … , xL−1}. The linear convolution of h and x can be expressed in terms of polynomial multiplication as follows:


where h(p) = hN−1pN−1 + · · · + h1p + h0, x(p) = xL−1pL−1 + · · · + x1p + x0 and s(p) = s L + N−2PL+N−2 + · · · + s1p + s0. The output polynomial s(p) has degree L + N – 2 and has L + N – 1 different coefficients. Therefore, it can be uniquely determined by its values at L + N − 1 different points. Let β0,β1, … ,βL+N−2 be L + N − 1 different real numbers. If s(βi), for i = 0, 1, … , L + N − 2 are known, s(p) can be computed using the Lagrange interpolation theorem as


It can be proved that (8.5) is the unique solution for s(p) given the values of ...

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