Chapter 14

Providing Dollars and Support

In This Chapter

bullet Figuring the costs of VoIP

bullet Investing in VoIP

bullet Understanding least cost routing

bullet Furnishing the support

bullet Keeping current

The costs of VoIP can be difficult to track. VoIP runs on your computer network; therefore, most of your costs are not calculated the same way traditional telephone services are.

If you are a consumer or a small business with fewer than fifteen employees and lots of toll charges each month, the cost savings with VoIP will easily offset your POTS telephone bill. If you are a company with many people using lots of minutes on the public telephone network each month, you will want to use your highlighter and calculator for this chapter. The same holds true if you are with a larger company that has multiple locations.

Evaluating VoIP Costs

Consider a case where you have two distant locations supported by traditional telephone systems, which means one or more PBXs (see Chapter 11). The general rule was that companies ...

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