Specifies the maximum value of the slider, gauge, or numeric text item.
Argument: int
Default: 100
Procs: create, get, set
Objects: Panel_numeric_text_item, Panel_gauge_item, Panel_slider_item
See Also: 7.13
Maximum value string for the slider. On horizontal sliders, the maximum value string appears to the
right of the maximum end box. On vertical sliders, the maximum value string appears above the max-
imum end box. The string is copied when this attribute is set.
Argument: char *
Default: No maximum value string
Procs: create,get,set
Objects: Panel_slider_item
See Also: 7.13
String which appears underneath the minimum tick mark on horizontal sliders or gauges, or to the
right of the minimum tick mark on vertical sliders or gauges. If
is ignored. The width of the slider or gauge may be adjusted to insure
that there is enough space to accommodate both the minimum and maximum tick strings. The string
is copied when this attribute is set.
Argument: char *
Default: No minimum tick string
Procs: create, get, set
Objects: Panel_slider_item, Panel_gauge_item
See Also: 7.13
Specifies the minimum value of the slider, gauge, or numeric text item.
Argument: int
Default: 0
Procs: create, get, set
Objects: Panel_slider_item, Panel_numeric_text_item, Panel_gauge_item
See Also: 7.13
Minimum value string for the slider. On horizontal sliders, the minimum value string appears to the
left of the minimum end box. On vertical sliders, the minimum value string appears below the mini-
mum end box. The string is copied when this attribute is set.
Argument: char *
Default: No minimum value string
Procs: create, get, set
Objects: Panel_slider_item
See Also: 7.13
116 XView Reference Manual
Returns the number of choices available in a choice or toggle item.
Return Type: int
Procs: get
Objects: Panel_choice_item
See Also: 7.10
This attribute is used when the panel layout is PANEL_VERTICAL. It specifies that the item is to start a
new column and specifies the amount of white space (in pixels) between the last column and the next
(new) column. If you specify –1, the default gap (PANEL_ITEM_X_GAP) is used.
Argument: Panel_item
Default: None
Procs: create
Objects: Panel_item
See Also: 7.3.1
Gets the handle of the next item on a panel.
Argument: Panel_item
Procs: get
Objects: Panel_item
next_item = xv_get(this_item, PANEL_NEXT_ITEM);
See Also: 7.7
This attribute is used when the panel layout is
PANEL_HORIZONTAL. It specifies that the item is to
start a new row and specifies the amount of white space (in pixels) between the last row and the next
(new) row. If you specify –1, the default gap (
PANEL_ITEM_Y_GAP) is used.
Argument: Panel_item
Default: None
Procs: create
Objects: Panel_item
See Also: 7.3.1
This flag is useful if you intend to call xv_super_set_avlist() at the beginning of the set rou-
tine. Setting this attribute to
TRUE prevents the parent panel from redisplaying while the attributes are
being set. This attribute should be reset to FALSE after the call to xv_super_set_avlist().
Warning: This attribute should only be used from within a panel item extension.
Argument: Bool
Procs: get,set
Objects: Panel
See Also: 25.11.6
XView Attributes
XView Attributes 117
Specifies when to call the notify function. The valid values are PANEL_ALL, PANEL_NONE,
PANEL_SPECIFIED, and PANEL_NON_PRINTABLE. For sliders, any setting other than PANEL_ALL re-
sults in notification only on SELECT-up.
Argument: Panel_setting
Valid Values: {
Procs: create, get, set
Objects: Panel_numeric_text_item, Panel_multiline_text_item, Panel_slid-
er_item, Panel_text_item
See Also: 7.13.2
Procedure to call when a panel item is activated.
Argument: Varies—see callbacks below
Procs: create, get, set
Objects: Panel_item
Callback: (For Button Items)
notify_proc(item, event)
Panel_item item;
Event *event;
Client-specified callback routine invoked when the user activates the button (accepts pre-
Callback: (For Message Items)
notify_proc(item, event)
Panel_item item;
Event *event;
Client-specified callback routine invoked when the user activates the message (accepts
Callback: (For Text Items, Numeric Text Items, and Multiline Text Items)
notify_proc(item, event)
Panel_item item;
Event *event;
Client-specified callback routine invoked when the user activates the text (accepts pre-
view). For text, numeric text, and multiline text items, the return value type is
Panel_setting and is one of
118 XView Reference Manual
Callback: (For Exclusive Choice Items and Slider Items)
notify_proc(item, value, event)
Panel_item item;
int value;
Event *event;
Client-specified callback routine invoked when the user activates the exclusive choice or
slider (accepts preview).
Callback: (For Non-exclusive Choice Items, toggles)
notify_proc(item, value, event)
Panel_item item;
unsigned int value;
Event *event;
Client-specified callback routine invoked when the user activates the non-exclusive
choice (accepts preview). The value parameter is of type unsigned int because it
represents a mask of choices that are selected. For example, if the first and third items are
selected, then the first and third bits in the value parameter are on—this value happens
to be five.
Callback: (For List Items)
notify_proc(item, string, client_data, op, event, row)
Panel_item item;
char *string;
Xv_opaque client_data;
Panel_list_op op;
Event *event;
int row;
Client-specified callback routine invoked when the user activates the list item (accepts
string is the string associated with the row.
client_data is the client data associated with the row.
op indicates a select, validate, or delete operation. Of these, only PANEL_LIST_OP_
VALIDATE requires a return value.
row indicates the row in the scrolling list. Returns
XV_OK to validate a change or XV_
ERROR to invalidate a change.
Callback: (For Drop Target Item)
notify_proc(item, event)
Panel_item item;
Event *event;
A return value of
XV_OK indicates that XView should call dnd_done(). A return value
of XV_ERROR indicates that XView should not call dnd_done().
XView Attributes
XView Attributes 119
Callback: (For Path Name Items)
notify_proc(item, event, stat_buf)
Path_name item;
Event * event;
struct stat * stat_buf;
Same as for
PANEL_TEXT, except that the PATH_NAME package passes in the pointer to a
stat structure as well as the item and event handles.
Callback: (For a File_list)
notify_proc( item, dir, file, client_data,
op, event, row )
File_list item;
char *dir;
char *file;
Xv_opaque client_data;
Panel_list_op op;
Event *event;
int row;
Note: the client_data field is added either by the client explicitly setting
PANEL_LIST_CLIENT_DATA(S) or by returning the value from the FILE_LIST_
The op
PANEL_LIST_OP_DBL_CLICK, supports the PANEL_LIST package for applica-
tions that want to detect a double-click condition. This behavior is selected using the
PANEL_LIST_DO_DBL_CLICK which defaults to FALSE for the PANEL_LIST
package (for compatibility reasons) but defaults to TRUE for the FILE_LIST package.
FILE_LIST package intercepts the PANEL_LIST_OP_DBL_CLICK condition in cases
where the user double-clicks on a directory name. The client only sees the double-click
op if it occurred on a file that he may wish to open or save to. The client can still catch
the directory change by installing a function via the
See Also: 7.10.5
If the panel item is part of an unpinned command frame, then the window is dismissed if PANEL_
is XV_OK. If PANEL_NOTIFY_STATUS is set to XV_ERROR, then the window is not
dismissed. You only xv_get() or xv_set() this attribute from within a notify procedure. When a
notify procedure exits, for an unpinned command frame, XView internally uses the value of this attri-
bute to determine whether or not the command frame is dismissed. XView sets the value of this attri-
bute to
XV_OK before calling the notify procedure. For the PATH_NAME package, see the following
Argument: int
Valid Values: {
Default: XV_OK
Procs: get, set
Objects: Panel_item
See Also: 7.9.1
120 XView Reference Manual
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