This mapping is loaded if KeyboardCommand is Basic or Full. This is a keyboard
Core Functions resource.
Values: R2
This mapping is always loaded. This is a keyboard Core Functions resource.
Values: u+Meta, L4
This mapping is always loaded. This is a keyboard Local Navigation command.
Default Values: p+Ctrl, N+Ctrl, Up, R8, Up+Shift
Values (Basic or Full): Up
This mapping is loaded if KeyboardCommand is Full. This is a Miscellaneous Naviga-
tion command.
Values: v+Alt
All of the OpenWindows.KeyboardCommand resource mappings may be modified
by users, or by specifying one of three values for OpenWindows.KeyboardCom-
mands. See the description for the Mouseless model in Chapter 6, Handling Input, in
the XView Programming Manual.
Values: Sunview1, Basic, or Full.
Compatibility is maintained with the older resources Font.Name and Win-
dow.Scale. This sets the font used by cmdtool, shelltool and any text subwindow or
text editor that uses a fixed width font. If -font is specified on the command line, then
it will override the font set by OpenWindows.MonospaceFont. To find out what
fonts are available, use the xlsfonts command. This is a string. The default is Null.
Values: font name
Turns on the mouse chording mechanism. Mouse chording allows XView to work with
two button mice. Holding the SELECT and the ADJUST buttons together will act as
MENU button.
Values: Boolean (False)
Mouse chording time-out value.
Values: Integer in microseconds (100)
264 XView Reference Manual
OpenWindows.multiClickTimeout (Props)
Specifies a “click”, which is button-down, button-up pair.
Values: N (4)
Where N is an integer greater than 2. Set the number of tenths
of a second between clicks for a multi-click.
When False, do not warp the mouse to the notice when it appears.
Values: True, False (False)
Sets the font used by panels, menus and notices. If -font is specified on the command
line, then it will override the font set by Openwindows.RegularFont. To find out
what fonts are available, use the xlsfonts command. The Default is Null.
Values: font name
Refer to the description for -scale.
Values: Small, Medium, Large, Extra-Large
OpenWindows.scrollbarPlacement (Props)
When set to Left, put all scrollbars on the left-hand side of the window or object.
Values: Left, Right (Right)
OpenWindows.SelectDisplaysMenu (Props)
When True, the SELECT button (usually left mouse) will display the menu as well as
the MENU button (usually right mouse).
Values: True, False (False)
Specifies the base color for control areas for a 3-D look. Takes hexadecimal represen-
tation. Three other colors used for shading and highlighting are calculated based upon
the value of the specified control color. The actual calculated values are done by the
OLGX library to provide a consistent color calculation between XView and OLWM.
The desktop properties program allows a full range of customization and previews
what the chosen 3-D look will look like. Does not apply to monochrome displays.
Values: Any valid X11 color specification (#cccccc — 80% gray)
Specifies the color for the root window and the background color for icons that blend
into the desktop.
Values: Any valid X11 color specification (#cccccc — 80% gray)
scrollbar.jumpCursor (Props)
When False, the scrollbar will not move the mouse pointer when scrolling.
Values: True, False (True)
Command-line Arguments
and XView Resources
Command-line Arguments and XView Resources 265
Specifies the time in milliseconds between repeats of a single line scroll. This indi-
cates how long to pause scrolling when holding down the SELECT button on the
scrollbar elevator. Scrollbar sets up a timer routine for repeats.
Values: N (1)
Where N is some integer greater than 0.
Specifies the time in milliseconds between repeats of a single page scroll.
Values: N (100)
Where N is some integer greater than 2.
Specifies the time in milliseconds when a click becomes a repeated action.
Values: N (100)
Where N is some integer greater than 2.
Selection timeout value. This value indicates the number of seconds that a requestor or
a selection owner waits for a response.
Values: Integer (3)
This is only used if a .ttyswrc file is not found in $HOME/.ttyswrc and term.useAl-
ternateTtyswrc is True.
Values: filename ($XVIEWHOME/lib/.ttyswrc)
Where filename specifies a complete filename and absolute
path of an alternate .ttyswrc file.
Specifies the text bolding style for a terminal-based window.
Values: None, Offset_X, Offset_Y, Offset_X_and_Y_and_XY, Off-
set_XY, Offset_X_and_XY, Offset_Y_and_XY,
Offset_X_and_Y, Invert (Invert)
When False, do not keep an edit log of what has been typed into the term window.
This is set to False automatically when switching from a scrollable term to one that is
not scrollable.
Values: True, False (True)
Specifies the text inverting style for a terminal-based window.
Values: Enable, Disable, Same_as_bold (Enable)
266 XView Reference Manual
Specifies the text underlining style for a terminal-based window.
Values: Enable, Disable, Same_as_bold (Enable)
When True, and a $HOME/.ttyswrc is not found, look for an alternate .ttyswrc file.
When False, do not look for an alternate file if one is not found in the home directory,
Values: True, False (True)
Number of operations the “again history” remembers for a textsw.
Values: N (1)
Where N is an integer between 0 and 500.
When True, begin the next line at the same indentation as the previous line as typing in
Values: True, False (False)
Specifies the number of lines to scroll when type-in moves insertion point below the
Values: N (1)
Where N is an integer between 0 and 100.
Values: True, False (True)
When False, do not give user confirmation if a save will overwrite an existing file.
Values: True, False (True)
This resource controls whether text that has been selected and then deleted by the
delete key or replaced by any other keystroke will be copied to the clipboard. If the
value is True, then the selected text will be copied to the clipboard. If the value is
False, then the text selected will not be copied to the clipboard. The default value is
False, do not replace the contents of the clipboard.
This resource also applies to the text selected for the filter function. If the resource is
True, then the text selected for a filter function will replace the clipboard when the fil-
ter successfully finishes. If the resource is False, then the text selected does not replace
the clipboard. The default value is False, do not replace the contents of the clipboard.
(in XView V3.0.1, the value for this resource was effectively True, the text selected
always replaced the clipboard.)
Values: True, False (False)
Command-line Arguments
and XView Resources
Command-line Arguments and XView Resources 267
This resource allows the user to select the delimiter characters that are used when do-
ing word level selections in the XView package. It was added because of the needs of
the international marketplace, and it allows the user to define the local delimiters for
the character set that is being used with the current keyboard and Sun workstation.
The selection of delimiters will be automatically available to the user once the SunOS
4.1 becomes the default operating system environment, however this resource is used
as a bridge during that period.
Note that the octal characters can be scrambled by Xrm during a rewrite of the value of
text.delimiterChars. Xrm interprets the text.delimiterChar string
when it is loaded. Specifically it will decode the backslashed portions of the string and
convert them to octal representations. When this is passed to the client application, the
logic will function correctly. However, this misbehavior of Xrm causes the string to be
stored incorrectly if the user saves the string. The specific problem(s) that occur are
the stripping of the backslash characters and the expansion of the tab character (11).
To correct this problem, one can put the text.delimiterChars entry into an
.Xdefaults file that will not be overwritten when saving the workspace properties (for
example, a system-wide defaults file). Or a copy of the text.delimiterChars
entry can be inserted after .Xdefaults file saves.
Values: string
The default follows:
\t,.:;?!’"‘*/–+=(){}[ ]<>\|˜@#$%ˆ&
When False, use an up arrow plus a letter to display the control character instead of the
character that is available for the current font.
Values: True, False (True)
When False, do not put a scrollbar on the text window.
Values: True, False (True)
The file specified by this resource is used for the text package’s Extras menu. This
resource can be specified with or without
appended to the resource name.
> will take precedence over
text.extrasMenuFilename, where
is the current locale value of the
display lang category (XV_LC_DISPLAY/LC_MESSAGES). A command executed in the
extras menu is applied to the contents of the current selection in the textsw window.
The results are inserted at the current insertion point.
Values: Filename (/usr/lib/.text_extras_menu) where filename is an
absolute pathname of a file.
268 XView Reference Manual
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