5.4. Implementing VSAM RLS

We describe the step-by-step procedure to implement VSAM RLS.

5.4.1. Define Sharing Control Data Set (SHCDS)

Here we give some considerations and examples to define SHCDS.

What is its function?

The SHCDS is critical to maintaining data integrity in the event of the failures of the Parallel Sysplex, SMSVSAM address space or the CF lock structure.

The SHCDS contains the name of the CF lock structure in use, a list of subsystems, the status of the subsystems, a list of open spheres using the CF and other information.

How do I define it?

You must use the following naming convention when defining your SHCDSs:



qualifier is a 1 to 8 character qualifier.

volser is the volume serial ...

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