
I know I've thrown a lot at you. But it's incredibly important, and it's no more than you can handle. It boils down to this: Be more aware and attuned to the needs of women, and work deliberately to include and advance them. Doing so will make a positive difference for them, for you, and for all of us.

Go from an automatic, gut-reaction management approach TO a reflective, conscious one where you intentionally focus on engaging and elevating women. When you do so, you will elevate them and yourself and improve your business results, society, and the economy.

Here's an example of WE 4.0 in action.

How WE 4.0 Works

I coached a woman who had unrealized potential and ambitions. She has the technical expertise her company values and needs to innovate and build relationships with clients and satisfy their needs. But to her own frustration, and her management's, she was grossly underutilized.

The solution, as it usually is, was two-sided.

My client was both doing and not doing several things that were stalling her advancement. A few of her shortcomings: She did not delegate work to the people she managed. Consequently, she was overworked, stressed, and not contributing at a strategic level. She rarely said anything in meetings because she felt that the men on her team (she was the only woman) spoke too fast, and she could not get a word in edgewise. She also believed that before she could say anything, she needed to be 100% prepared and that her idea needed to be fully ...

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