What’s in a Template

A Leiningen template is a collection of assets that are used to generate a particular project. The templates use the Stencil library to inject dynamic content, such as the name of the project, into the asset files when they’re rendered.[117]

We’ll take a look at a template project called compojure-template to see how it works.[118]

Since templates are Leiningen projects, they each contain a project.clj file.

 (​defproject​ compojure/lein-template ​"0.4.7"
  :description ​"Compojure project template for Leiningen"
  :url ​"https://github.com/weavejester/compojure-template"
  :eval-in-leiningen true
  :license {:name ​"Eclipse Public License"
  :url ​"http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html" ...

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