Client Code
The revised client code is
presented in Example 5-10. Most of the
getProduct( )
method is the same as in the
original ProductClient
code, and therefore I have
only included those pieces that illustrate the new fault-handling
capability. First, if a fault is detected, the client code extracts
the Fault
object and embeds it into a
Fault fault = resp.getFault( ); String faultString = fault.getFaultString( ); throw new ProductNotFoundException (faultString, fault);
This enables us to examine the Fault
object later.
Second, the main( )
method includes a new
printFaultDetails( )
method for printing out any
fault details embedded in the Response
Before we examine this method, however, we’ll test
the code by sending a nonexistent SKU. Let’s try the
SKU number Z358185. If you are using the
tool, you will see the following
response from the SOAP server:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope
Exception from service object: SKU Not Found: Z358185
</SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
As you can see, ProductNotFoundException
is not
propagated directly back to the client. Rather, the
rpcrouter ...
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