538 WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for the Full Profile
15.2.3 Workload management benefits
Workload management provides the following benefits to WebSphere applications:
It balances client processing requests, allowing incoming work requests to be distributed
according to a configured WLM selection policy.
It provides failover capability by redirecting client requests to a running server when one or
more servers are unavailable. This redirection improves the availability of applications and
administrative services.
It enables systems to be scaled up to serve a higher client load than provided by the basic
configuration. With clusters and cluster members, additional instances of servers can be
added easily to the configuration.
It enables servers to be maintained and upgraded transparently while applications remain
available for users.
It centralizes administration of application servers and other objects.
15.3 High availability and failover
High availability is also known as resiliency. High availability is the description of the system’s
ability to tolerate a certain amount of failures and to remain operational. This section provides
information about WebSphere Application Server high availability concepts and features.
15.3.1 Overview
High availability (HA) means that your infrastructure continues to respond to client requests
no matter what the circumstances are. Depending on the errors or failures, the infrastructure
can run in a degraded mode. HA is achieved by adding redundancy in your infrastructure to
support the system when failures occur. Availability impacts both performance and scalability.
Depending on your needs, you have to define the level of HA for your infrastructure.
The most common method of describing availability is by the “nines” or the percentage
availability for the system. For example, 99.9% of system availability represents 8.76 hours of
outage in a single year. Table 15-2 shows the level of availability and the calculated downtime
per year.
Table 15-2 Availability matrix
You can calculate availability using the following formula, where MTBF is the mean time
between failure and MTTR is the maximum time to recovery:
Availability = (MTBF/(MTBF + MTTR)) X 100
Keep in mind that the overall infrastructure is available only if all the components are
available. For a WebSphere infrastructure that is composed of several components, such as
Availability % Downtime per year
99% (two 9s) 87.6 hours
99.9% (three 9s) 8.76 hours
99.99% (four 9s) 56.56 minutes
99.999% (five 9s) 315.36 seconds