620 WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for the Full Profile
17.9 Logging and tracing
This section focuses on the logging and tracing options that are specific to the z/OS system
and the new standardized model of logging that is introduced in WebSphere Application
Server V8.5.
17.9.1 High Performance Extensible Logging overview
High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) is a complete solution for standardized logging
and tracing in WebSphere Application Server V8.5. It is an alternative to the existing log and
trace facilities that are offered on the z/OS platform, which use LogStreams, Component
Trace, Job Entry Subsystem, Hierarchical File System, or other facilities. It is a new strategic
logging solution delivered across platforms. It does not include native traces.
HPEL uses mechanisms with data repositories where logging and tracing data is stored all in
one place in binary format. To improve performance, data is not shared across instances and
is not converted by LogViewer to plain text unless needed. HPEL provides an optional text log
function for debugging convenience, where log or trace data can be written to text log file in
plain text format immediately. You can use the administrative console or the LogViewer
commands to view the HPEL collected logs and traces.
HPEL out performs existing log and trace facilities and can have performance benefits for
log-intensive applications; however, HPEL is not enabled by default. An HPEL API is provided
in the com.ibm.websphere.logging.hpel package to simplify development of tools for log and
trace processing.
For more information, go to the following website:
17.9.2 Enabling HPEL mode
To enable HPEL logging, refer to 19.4.5, “Advanced logging” on page 725. You must disable
text logging after enabling HPEL to improve performance.
17.9.3 z/OS logging and tracing tips
For WebSphere Application Server for z/OS in basic logging mode, the SystemOut.log,
trace.log, and STDOUT streams are redirected to the SYSPRINT ddname by default. The
System.err, and STDERR streams are redirected to the SYSOUT ddname. WebSphere
Application Server for z/OS cataloged procedures associate these ddnames with print
(SYSOUT=*) data sets, causing message logs to go into WebSphere Application Server job