646 WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for the Full Profile
18.1 Clustering on z/OS systems
Clustering technology is an integral part of WebSphere Application Server for z/OS V8. In this
section, we provide information about the concept of clustering and how to create a cluster on
z/OS systems.
18.1.1 Clustering for scalability and failover
Clustering as a high availability approach is used extensively in WebSphere Application
Server to provide for scalability and failover protection at the same time. A
cluster consists of
multiple copies of the same component with the expectation that at least one of the copies will
be available to service a request. In general, the cluster works as a unit where there is
collaboration among the individual copies to ensure that the request can be directed toward a
copy that can service the request.
A WebSphere Application Server cluster is composed of individual cluster members, with
each member containing the same set of applications. In front of a WebSphere Application
Server cluster is a
workload distributor that routes the workload to individual members. z/OS
Workload Manager (WLM) assigns system resources to units of work from the workload,
making a best attempt to allow all work to meet the specified goals.
Clusters can be vertical within an LPAR (that is, two or more cluster members residing in the
same z/OS system), or they can be placed horizontally across LPARs on different machines
to obtain the highest availability in the event that an LPAR or machine that contains a member
has an outage. In a vertical cluster, the servers compete with each other for resources.
For more information about clustering in WebSphere Application Server for z/OS V8, go to the
following website:
18.1.2 Creating a cluster on a z/OS system
To create a WebSphere Application Server for z/OS cluster:
1. Click Servers Clusters WebSphere application server clusters.
2. Click New in the WebSphere Application Server clusters view, as shown in Figure 21-1.
Figure 18-1 WebSphere application server clusters view