646 WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for the Full Profile
18.1 Clustering on z/OS systems
Clustering technology is an integral part of WebSphere Application Server for z/OS V8. In this
section, we provide information about the concept of clustering and how to create a cluster on
z/OS systems.
18.1.1 Clustering for scalability and failover
Clustering as a high availability approach is used extensively in WebSphere Application
Server to provide for scalability and failover protection at the same time. A
cluster consists of
multiple copies of the same component with the expectation that at least one of the copies will
be available to service a request. In general, the cluster works as a unit where there is
collaboration among the individual copies to ensure that the request can be directed toward a
copy that can service the request.
A WebSphere Application Server cluster is composed of individual cluster members, with
each member containing the same set of applications. In front of a WebSphere Application
Server cluster is a
workload distributor that routes the workload to individual members. z/OS
Workload Manager (WLM) assigns system resources to units of work from the workload,
making a best attempt to allow all work to meet the specified goals.
Clusters can be vertical within an LPAR (that is, two or more cluster members residing in the
same z/OS system), or they can be placed horizontally across LPARs on different machines
to obtain the highest availability in the event that an LPAR or machine that contains a member
has an outage. In a vertical cluster, the servers compete with each other for resources.
For more information about clustering in WebSphere Application Server for z/OS V8, go to the
following website:
18.1.2 Creating a cluster on a z/OS system
To create a WebSphere Application Server for z/OS cluster:
1. Click Servers Clusters WebSphere application server clusters.
2. Click New in the WebSphere Application Server clusters view, as shown in Figure 21-1.
Figure 18-1 WebSphere application server clusters view
Chapter 18. Clustering and high availability 647
3. Enter basic cluster information, as shown in Figure 21-2. If you are converting an existing
application server into the cluster, leave the Short name field empty to default to the
generic short name of that application server. Click Next.
Figure 18-2 Enter basic cluster information
4. Create the first cluster member. In the Select basis for first cluster member section, select
Create the member by converting an existing application server, as shown in
Figure 21-3. Click Next.
Figure 18-3 Create first cluster member
648 WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for the Full Profile
5. Add additional cluster members by specifying the member name and short name. Click
Add Member, as shown in Figure 21-4. Click Next.
Figure 18-4 Create additional cluster members
Chapter 18. Clustering and high availability 649
6. Review your setup in the summary, and click Finish, as shown Figure 21-5.
Figure 18-5 Summary
7. Click Review, click Synchronize changes with nodes, and click Save. Alternatively, click
System administration Nodes, and click Synchronize with the appropriate node or
nodes selected, or enable the Synchronize changes with Nodes option in System
administration Console Preferences.
8. Restart the converted application server by clicking Servers Server Types
WebSphere application servers.
Replication note: When you select HTTP replication, a replication domain of the same
name as the cluster name is created automatically with a Single replica option.

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