874 WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Administration and Configuration Guide for the Full Profile
You can manage the individual applications (composition units) that make up the
business-level application individually. To do so, click Applications Application Types
WebSphere enterprise applications, and use the links to start, stop, update, and so on.
23.9 Deploying application clients
To run a Java-based client/server application, the client application executes in a client
container of some kind. You might, for example, use a graphical swing application that calls
EJB beans on an application server. WebSphere Application Server V8.5 supports several
different application client environments. The following application client environments are
Java EE client
This client uses services that are provided by the Java EE client container.
This client is a Java application program that accesses EJB beans, JDBC databases, and
JMS queues. The Java EE application client depends on the application client run time to
configure its execution environment, and it uses the JNDI name space to access
resources, the same as you do in a server application (similar to a servlet).
The Java EE application client provides the following components:
– XML deployment descriptors
– Java EE naming (java:comp/env), including EJB references and resource references
The Java EE application client is launched using the launchClient script, which sets up
the environment with the necessary class paths and other settings for you.
Java thin client
This client does not use services that are provided by the Java EE client container.
The Java thin client runtime environment provides the support needed by full-function Java
SE client applications but does not support a client c that provides easy access to these
services. The Java thin client is designed to support those users who want a full-function
Java SE client application programming environment using the supplied IBM JRE, without
the impact of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) platform on the client
machine. The Java thin client does not perform initialization of any of the services that the
client application might require. For example, the client application is responsible for the
initialization of the naming service, either through CosNaming or JNDI APIs. The Java thin
client runtime environment does provide support for Java SE client applications to access
remote enterprise beans, and provides the implementation for various enterprise bean
services. Client applications can also use the Java thin client runtime environment to
access CORBA objects and CORBA based services.
The thin client supports JVMs from IBM, Sun and HP-UX. When launching the thin
application client, you must set up the correct class paths yourself and make sure that the
required libraries for your application and the WebSphere libraries are included.
Deleting a business-level application: To delete a business-level application, you must
first unmap (delete) the composition units (configured assets) that belong to the
business-level application. Select the business-level application, and select the deployed
assets. Click Delete. After you delete all assets from the business-level application, you
can delete the business-level application itself. The assets, however, still remain in
WebSphere’s asset repository and can be used to configure other business-level