330 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
20.6 Create the back-end application
Our back-end application is a Java application that uses RMI. To create the
back-end application:
1. Ensure that the application configuration properties are correct.
2. In the RedMaintenance folder of the SG246345 directory, open the config file
with a text editor. Example 20-1 shows the contents of the config file.
Example 20-1 The config file settings
# Configuration properties for AppStart
3. Modify the database password to ensure that it is correct.
4. Save and close this file.
5. Start rmiregistry.
6. Open a command window and type:
Leave this window open in the background.
7. Create a shortcut on the desktop for starting the application engine, as shown
in Figure 20-20 on page 331. Ensure that the start directory is
Note: The rmiregistry command creates and starts a remote object
registry on the specified port on the current host. If the port is omitted, the
registry is started on port 1099. The rmiregistry command produces no
output and is typically run in the background. A remote object registry is a
bootstrap naming service that is used by RMI servers on the same host to
bind remote objects to names. Clients on local and remote hosts can then
look up remote objects and make remote method invocations.
The registry is typically used to locate the first remote object on which an
application needs to invoke methods. That object in turn will provide
application-specific support for finding other objects.
Chapter 20. Installing and configuring the scenario infrastructure 331
Figure 20-20 RedMaintenance shortcut
8. Using this shortcut, start the application.
9. You will see in the command window the startup parameters that we use for
our application. Example 20-2 shows these parameters. Leave this window
Example 20-2 Start window
Config file is:.\Config:
Starting Auto thread
-- listing properties --
***** Driver Class is:COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver:
332 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
10.You will also see a GUI window, shown in Figure 20-21, that is used for tracing
application activity and for problem determination.
Figure 20-21 GUI log
The basic application components are now in place. We can now integrate these
components and complete the initial testing of the adapter environments.

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