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21.1 Front-end business objects
The front-end Web application, RedTenant, uses schema-based XML
documents for its messages. We can use the XML ODA to assist in building the
application-specific business objects for these messages by using the schema
definitions for these messages.
21.1.1 Creating business objects with the ODA
To create business objects:
1. Start the ODA and select IBM WebSphere Business Integration
Adapters Adapters Object Discovery Agent XML Object
Discovery Agent.
2. Navigate to the System Manager.
3. Right-click Integration Component Libraries (ICL) and select Create new
Integration Component Library.
4. Give this new ICL a name. We chose RedMaintenance.
5. In your ICL, right-click and select Business Objects Create New
Business Object, as shown in Figure 21-1.
Figure 21-1 New business object
6. Close the new business object window and select File New Using ODA.
Note: The repos file WebTenant.jar contains these business objects.
Chapter 21. Creating the business objects and connector 337
If your ODA has started successfully, it appears in Located agents
(Figure 21-2). If you do not see the XMLODA, check the command window for
the ODA to find the error and then restart the ODA.
Figure 21-2 ODA window
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7. Highlight the ODA and click Next, as shown in Figure 21-3.
Figure 21-3 Found ODA
Chapter 21. Creating the business objects and connector 339
8. Enter the ODA properties as shown in Figure 21-4. The schema definition for
the RedTenant messages is in the RedTenant folder in the Additional
9. Enter a BOPrefix of Web.
10.Click Next.
Figure 21-4 Properties
340 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
11.The ODA finds a top-level object for this XML schema. Highlight this top-level
object, as shown in Figure 21-5, and click Next.
Figure 21-5 Select Source

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