440 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
24.3.1 Sending a request business object (RM_Tenant.Retrieve)
To send a request business object to the RM_Tenant.Retrive:
1. Stop the Test Connector.
2. Start the RedMaintenance engine.
3. Start the RMConnector.
4. Using the file from the RM_Tenant.Retrieve test, put a message on to the
REDMAINT.REQUESTQUEUE using rfhutil as before. Remember to add
the ReplyToQueue details to the Message Descriptor.
5. Check the RMConnector log for the details of the business object that is sent,
which should be similar to that shown in Example 24-8.
Example 24-8 Response business object
[Mesg: <Version = 3.0>]
[Mesg: <EndHeader>]
[Mesg: <StartBO:RM_Tenant>]
[Mesg: BusinessObject = RM_Tenant]
[Mesg: Verb = Retrieve]
[Mesg: Locale = en_US]
[Mesg: Id = 100]
[Mesg: Name = Lee Gavin]
[Mesg: ApartmentId = 1]
[Mesg: EMail = leegavin@uk.ibm.com]
[Mesg: <StartChild>]
[Mesg: RM_Apartment = 1]
[Mesg: <StartBO:RM_Apartment>]
[Mesg: BusinessObject = RM_Apartment]
[Mesg: Verb = Retrieve]
[Mesg: Locale = en_US]
[Mesg: Id = 1]
[Mesg: ApartmentNumber = 135]
[Mesg: AddressLine1 = IBM Hursley Park]
[Mesg: AddressLine2 = Winchester]
[Mesg: AddressLine3 = Hampshire]
[Mesg: AddressLine4 = United Kingdom]
[Mesg: PostCode = SO21 2JN ]
[Mesg: ObjectEventId = CxIgnore]
[Mesg: <EndBO:RM_Apartment>]
[Mesg: <EndChild>]
[Mesg: <StartChild>]
[Mesg: RM_Maintenance = 3]
[Mesg: <StartBO:RM_Maintenance>]
[Mesg: BusinessObject = RM_Maintenance]
[Mesg: Verb = CxBlank]
[Mesg: Locale = en_US]