Chapter 30. Adding human interaction using WebSphere BI Server Foundation 733
Figure 30-109 Activity in to do list
7. Select the activity and click Claim to claim the activity.
8. Select the claimed activity and click View.
734 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
Figure 30-110 Work with claimed activity
9. Provide values for the output message and click Complete.
Chapter 30. Adding human interaction using WebSphere BI Server Foundation 735
Figure 30-111 Provide output message for activity
10.Click Manage Work Items for Process Instances.
736 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
Figure 30-112 List of work items for process instances
11.Click the instance. The process is running and ready to execute activity
Chapter 30. Adding human interaction using WebSphere BI Server Foundation 737
Figure 30-113 Details of the state of a process instance
12.Click Monitor to verify the status of activities. You should see that the
activities Staff and InvokeInhouseSend are finished and that the activity
Staff1 is ready.
13.Return to My To Dos. The process should be ready for the second Staff
14.Claim this activity. Provide output values and click Complete.

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