Appendix A. Unit test traces 881
Example: A-6 ResponseToBeSentToFrontEndAdapter.txt
(0x01000000):Properties = (
(0x03000000):MessageSet = 'WebTenant'
(0x03000000):MessageType = 'Web_tenant'
(0x03000000):MessageFormat = 'CwXML'
(0x03000000):Encoding = 273
(0x03000000):CodedCharSetId = 1208
(0x03000000):Transactional = TRUE
(0x03000000):Persistence = TRUE
(0x03000000):CreationTime = GMTTIMESTAMP '2004-10-08 16:52:13.710'
(0x03000000):ExpirationTime = -1
(0x03000000):Priority = 0
(0x03000000):ReplyIdentifier = X'414d512052454442524f4b45522020207f33654120002502'
(0x03000000):ReplyProtocol = 'MQ'
(0x03000000):Topic = NULL
(0x01000000):MQMD = (
(0x03000000):SourceQueue = 'REDMAINT.DELIVERYQUEUE'
(0x03000000):Transactional = TRUE
(0x03000000):Encoding = 273
(0x03000000):CodedCharSetId = 819
(0x03000000):Format = 'MQHRF2 '
(0x03000000):Version = 2
(0x03000000):Report = 0
(0x03000000):MsgType = 8
(0x03000000):Expiry = -1
(0x03000000):Feedback = 0
(0x03000000):Priority = 0
(0x03000000):Persistence = 1
(0x03000000):MsgId = X'414d512052454442524f4b45522020207f33654120001e05'
(0x03000000):CorrelId = X'414d512052454442524f4b45522020207f33654120002502'
(0x03000000):BackoutCount = 0
(0x03000000):ReplyToQ = ' '
(0x03000000):ReplyToQMgr = ' '
(0x03000000):UserIdentifier = 'db2admin '
(0x03000000):AccountingToken = X'16010515000000a837d66532621f2a07e53b2be903000000000000000000000b'
(0x03000000):ApplIdentityData = ' '
(0x03000000):PutApplType = 11
(0x03000000):PutApplName = 'ereAdapters\jre\bin\java.exe'
(0x03000000):PutDate = DATE '2004-10-08'
(0x03000000):PutTime = GMTTIME '16:52:13.710'
(0x03000000):ApplOriginData = ' '
(0x03000000):GroupId = X'000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
(0x03000000):MsgSeqNumber = 1
(0x03000000):Offset = 0
(0x03000000):MsgFlags = 0
(0x03000000):OriginalLength = -1
882 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
(0x01000000):MQRFH2 = (
(0x03000000):Version = 2
(0x03000000):Format = 'MQSTR '
(0x03000000):Encoding = 273
(0x03000000):CodedCharSetId = 1208
(0x03000000):Flags = 0
(0x03000000):NameValueCCSID = 1208
(0x01000000):mcd = (
(0x01000000):Msd = (
(0x02000000): = 'mrm'
(0x01000000):Set = (
(0x02000000): = 'WebTenant'
(0x01000000):Type = (
(0x02000000): = 'Web_tenant'
(0x01000000):Fmt = (
(0x02000000): = 'CwXML'
(0x01000000):jms = (
(0x01000000):Dst = (
(0x02000000): = 'queue:///REDMAINT.DELIVERYQUEUE'
(0x01000000):Rto = (
(0x02000000): = 'queue:///WEBTENANT.RESULT'
(0x01000000):Tms = (
(0x02000000): = '1097254333719'
(0x01000000):Pri = (
(0x02000000): = '0'
(0x01000000):Dlv = (
(0x02000000): = '2'
(0x01000000):usr = (
(0x01000000):Description =
(0x01000000):WSDLBinding = (
(0x02000000): = 'Web_tenantAgentDeliveryBinding'
(0x01000000):Status = (
(0x02000000): = '1'
(0x01000000):WSDLOperation = (
(0x02000000): = 'Web_tenantRetrieve'
(0x01000000):RequestType = (
(0x02000000): = 'Response'
Appendix A. Unit test traces 883
(0x01000021):MRM = (
(0x03000000):version = '3.0.0'
(0x03000000):delta = FALSE
(0x0300000B):verb =
(0x03000000):locale = 'en_US'
(0x03000000) = 'xml
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"'
(0x01000000) = (
(0x01000000) = (
(0x03000000) =
'" tenant.xsd"'
= 100
= 'Lee Gavin'
= ''
= (
ents = (
(0x01000000) = (
= '1'
nt = (
= '1'
(0x03000000) =
'135 IBM Hursley Park Winchester Hampshire United Kingdom'
(0x0300000B) =
'SO21 2JN '
(0x01000000) = (
tenances = (
(0x01000000) = (
= '7'
enance = (
884 WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
(0x03000000) =
(0x03000000) =
(0x03000000) = 'I
have a leaking tap New part installed Expected completion date: 0'
enance = (
(0x03000000) =
(0x03000000) =
(0x03000000) =
'Crack in the front window Glass delivered, size incorrect. Re-ordered. Expected completion date: 0'
enance = (
(0x03000000) =
(0x03000000) =
(0x03000000) =
'High speed internet not working Cable company contacted, modem to be replaced. Expected completion date:
enance = (
(0x03000000) =
(0x03000000) =
(0x03000000) =
'Test for a new maintenance request Part on order Expected completion date: 0'
enance = (
Appendix A. Unit test traces 885
(0x03000000) =
(0x03000000) =
(0x03000000) =
'Test for a new maintenance request Lee's Test - Number Only Expected completion date: 0'
enance = (
(0x03000000) = '12'
(0x03000000) =
enance = (
(0x03000000) = '13'
(0x03000000) =

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