102 WebSphere Commerce Portal V5.4 Solutions
After several discussions, the managers decide to select a portal-based
approach using WebSphere Portal, which supports the mentioned evaluation
In addition, the Commerce Enhancement Pack provides instructions and
information for deploying WebSphere Commerce function into WebSphere
Portal. It integrates the advantages, features, and benefits of WebSphere
Commerce with WebSphere Portal to enrich the e-commerce functionality
provided by the portal.
As an outcome of the evaluation, the management team decides to initiate a
project to provide a commerce enabled portal solution for its customers.
4.2 Requirements
This section provides an analysis of the functional and nonfunctional
requirements for the business scenario. In several CEP workshops, a set of
business user requirements has been identified.
4.2.1 Functional requirements
The CEP company sells hardware and accessories online to retail customers
and business customers.
CEP brands and products
The CEP hardware and accessories sold online are categorized into the
following brands:
򐂰 Woodworking
򐂰 Power
򐂰 Cordless
򐂰 Accessories
CEP customer types
The CEP store has three distinct customer types:
򐂰 Retail customer
This includes any public Internet shoppers accessing the public CEP site.
򐂰 Business customer
This customer set is predetermined and negotiated by the business users in
the form of a contract. For example, a business may negotiate a special price
for bundled hardware and accessories. The business would enter into a
contract with the CEP site and be able to purchase the contracted goods.
Chapter 4. Business requirements analysis and solution design 103
򐂰 Business reseller customer
This customer set includes business partners that resell CEP products. CEP
grants permissions for business resellers to maintain their product data,
including all necessary administrative tasks.
CEP shopping experience requirements
The CEP has several hundred customers. Its main focus is to attract its
customers and resellers to the CEP Web site. The catalog contains a
well-defined set of goods with special discounts for customers. The CEP site
leverages the marketing spots of WebSphere Commerce but the marketing
organization would like to enhance the direct marketing based on customer
profile data. In summary, the CEP has the following functional requirements:
򐂰 Enhanced front-end user experience
The customer logs onto the CEP portal. Based on the customer’s personal
profile, a pre-configured portal application is available. The customer interacts
with the pre-arranged portlets to browse the catalog, product, product items,
and its shopping cart. If a customer selects a good and places it into the
shopping car, it is refreshed by the system.
򐂰 Order-related front-end user experience
Once a customer logs onto the CEP portal, he/she manages his/her orders
using the commerce enabled portal and the WebSphere Commerce order
subsystem. The order subsystem provides services to modify the current
order, including order-related information, to view the order history, including
the visualization of the order detail when clicking on an order, and to check
out the current order.
򐂰 Dynamic data aggregation and visualization
For the customer’s convenience, portlets within a portal application should
leverage Dynamic Context Groups such that when the user clicks a link in the
portlet with a slave relationship, the slave portlets are automatically refreshed
by the system.
򐂰 Enhanced marketing capabilities
The WebSphere Commerce marketing capabilities are powerful and are
included in several JSPs of the CEP site. The WebSphere Portal provides a
sophisticated Personalization Engine that is extended to enhance the CEP
site. Customers are able to define personalization profiles, which results in
dynamic portlet aggregation.
For example, a customer defines product profiles, which result in the dynamic
activation of portlets visualizing product-related information from WebSphere

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