Chapter 6. Implement the development environment 265
4. From the Associated editors list, click Add and the Source Editor.
5. Click Default to make the Source Editor the default editor.
Now when opening an XML file, the Source Editor will be used by default. The
Design View and several toolbar icons will be absent, but the editor will still
provide an outline and source view content assist.
6.2.3 Jakarta Ant overview
Another benefit of using WebSphere Studio Application Developer is its ability to
work with third-party components such as Jakarta’s Ant. Ant is a powerful build
tool that assists users in the creation, packaging, and deployment of J2EE
Enterprise Applications. We used Ant in our sample scenario to automate the
creation and deployment of the sample store archive. We modified the necessary
XML configuration files for the store archive and then configured Ant to package
and deploy the end result. Ant is shipped with WebSphere Studio Application
Developer and already configured and ready to use when you start up your
For information on Ant, refer to the following URL:
6.3 WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Studio
Application Developer configuration
This section describes how to install and configure the WebSphere Studio
Application Developer V5 with the WebSphere Commerce V5.4.0.5 Toolkit
provided in the IBM Commerce Enhancement Pack - April 2003 Edition
distribution available for download.
6.3.1 Prerequisite software
In our example, we are using a single-node development environment
configuration. Prior to installation, WebSphere Commerce requires that the
following be installed:
򐂰 DB2 Server
For details refer to 6.2.1, “DB2 Server installation” on page 262
򐂰 WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5
For details refer to 6.2.2, “WebSphere Studio Application Developer
installation” on page 262
266 WebSphere Commerce Portal V5.4 Solutions
6.3.2 Commerce Enhancement Pack Toolkit installation
To install the IBM Commerce Enhancement Pack Toolkit for WebSphere Studio
Application Developer, do the following:
1. For more information on the IBM Commerce Enhancement Pack - April 2003
Edition, refer to the following URL:
2. You must be registered to log on in order to download the Toolkit.
3. We downloaded and unpacked the following zip file to the c:\temp\cep
4. You will have the following files after unpacking the
Enhancements.pdf (WebSphere Commerce Studio and WebSphere
Studio Application Developer Integration Guide V5.4)
Setup.exe (Toolkit)
5. Refer to the WebSphere Commerce Studio and WebSphere Studio
Application Developer Integration Guide V5.4 (Enhancements.pdf) for details
on how to install the Toolkit.
6.3.3 Create the WebSphere Commerce development instance
After you have installed the WebSphere Commerce Toolkit for WebSphere
Studio Application Developer, you will need to create a WebSphere Commerce
instance within the development environment.
For details refer to the WebSphere Commerce Studio and WebSphere Studio
Application Developer Integration Guide V5.4.
The high-level steps are as follows:
򐂰 Create/select WebSphere Studio Application Developer workspace and save
preferences. This will import the workspace.
򐂰 Create the WebSphere Commerce instance from a command-line script.
򐂰 Verify instance creation (instance database logs, instance deployment logs).
Note: The name of the zip file may be confusing to some. The file name
includes OCT02, yet it is part of the IBM Commerce Enhancement Pack -
April 2003 Edition distribution.

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