Chapter 6. Implement the development environment 267
6.3.4 Publishing stores using Store Services (seed environment)
After the WebSphere Commerce instance has been created and verified, you will
need to publish a store archive to “seed” the environment for development.
Refer to the WebSphere Commerce Studio and WebSphere Studio Application
Developer Integration Guide V5.4 for details.
We have listed the key issues we identified when following the document
process for publishing a store using Store Services with WebSphere Studio
Application Developer.
When attempting to log on to Store Services within the WebSphere Studio
Application Developer using the built-in Web browser, we received the Error
0: _ERR_USER_AUTHORITY error message. To work around this problem, refer
to “Configure Web browser for WebSphere Studio Application Developer” on
page 263.
After logging on to Store Services, you will have to wait until the page is
compiled before it is displayed (can take a couple of minutes). Use the Web
browser refresh option.
When creating a new store within Store Services, you may see the alert
message This page contains both secure and non-secure items. Do you
want to display the non-secure items? We selected Yes.
6.4 WebSphere Portal and WebSphere Studio
Application Developer configuration
This section describes how to install and configure WebSphere Portal V4.2.1 and
supporting Toolkits within WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.
6.4.1 Prerequisite software
In our example, we are using a single-node development environment
configuration. Prior to installation, WebSphere Portal requires the following to be
DB2 Server
For details refer to 6.2.1, “DB2 Server installation” on page 262
WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5
For details refer to 6.2.2, “WebSphere Studio Application Developer
installation” on page 262
268 WebSphere Commerce Portal V5.4 Solutions
6.4.2 WebSphere Portal Toolkit V4.2.5 and WebSphere Portal V4.2.1
test environment installation
To install the WebSphere Portal Toolkit V4.2.5 (Web download) and WebSphere
Portal V4.2.1 (included in WebSphere Portal V4.2.1 Enable distribution) test
environment, do the following:
1. For information and download of the WebSphere Portal Toolkit V4.2.5, refer to
the following URL:
2. Run PortalToolkit425.exe to extract the installation files.
3. Close WebSphere Studio Application Developer (if it is already started) prior
to WebSphere Portal Toolkit installation.
4. Ensure DB2 is started.
5. To start the install the WebSphere Portal Toolkit and WebSphere Portal
Server within the WebSphere Studio Application Developer Test
Environment, run install.bat from the directory where it was extracted.
6. Select English and click OK. Then accept the license agreement.
7. On the component selection window, select Portal Toolkit (the default) and
WebSphere Portal for Test Environment.
Proceed to install Portal Toolkit 4.2.5.
8. If WebSphere Portal for Test Environment check box was selected, the
WebSphere Portal installation parameters window will be displayed. Enter the
required information as shown in Figure 6-4 on page 269. Make sure the fully
qualified host name is entered and can be resolved from your machine. We
recommend running the WebSphere Portal Test Environment on port 9080 to
prevent possible conflicts with WebSphere Commerce development
environment which may use port 80. Click Next.
Note: Language selection may not appear if your operating system locale
is set to English.
Note: If the machine has an existing installation of WebSphere Portal on
WebSphere Application Server Single Server Edition, the WebSphere
Portal for Test Environment cannot be installed by the Portal Toolkit
installer. The Toolkit will use the existing WebSphere Portal installation for
Chapter 6. Implement the development environment 269
Figure 6-4 WebSphere Portal Test Environment installation settings
9. Enter the location of the wps and pzn subdirectories from WebSphere Portal
4.2.1 CD7. Click Next and proceed with the WebSphere Portal installation.
10.After the installation completes, click Next, then Finish to exit the installation
11.Start WebSphere Studio Application Developer.
12.When WebSphere Studio Application Developer starts, you will be asked if
you want to open the Update Manager. Click Yes.
13.Pending Configuration Changes window will open as shown in Figure 6-5 on
page 270. Select the top level check box and click Finish.
270 WebSphere Commerce Portal V5.4 Solutions
Figure 6-5 Configuration selection window
14.Click Yes when prompted to restart the workbench.
6.4.3 WebSphere Portal test environment server configuration
To configure the WebSphere Portal WebSphere Studio Application Developer
test environment, do the following:
1. Create a WebSphere Portal server instance and configure the test
a. When WebSphere Studio Application Developer restarts, open the Portlet
b. In the Server Configuration pane, right-click and select New -> Server
and Server Configuration to create a new server.
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