Appendix B. Logon for commerce portlets without single sign-on 367
Updating the WebSphere Studio Application Developer
plug-in with the modified classes
To update the WebSphere Studio Application Developer plug-in with the modified
classes, do the following:
1. Export the Java project from WebSphere Studio Application Developer to
WebsphereCommerceBasePortlet.jar file.
2. Copy the exported file to
For example, in the ITSO development environment the full path of the final
file location was as follows:
3. Restart WebSphere Studio Application Developer.
Updating B2B Direct sample with the modified classes
To update the B2B Direct sample with the modified classes (or other samples),
do the following:
1. Copy the exported WebsphereCommerceBasePortlet.jar to the
commerceportal.jar file.
2. Go to C:\temp\CEP\B2BDirectPortal\CommerceRefApp\bin.
3. Extract WebsphereCommerceEnabledPortalB2BDirect.war if not already
jar -xf WebsphereCommerceEnabledPortalB2BDirect.war
4. Replace the WEB-INF/lib/commerceportal.jar file with the modified one.
5. If you will be using these portlets in a development environment, edit the
portlet.xml file and change all SSOEnabled attributes to false (see
Example B-2 on page 363).
Example: B-2 Update SSOEnabled attributes in portlet.xml
6. Recreate the WebsphereCommerceEnabledPortalB2BDirect.war file:
jar -cf WebsphereCommerceEnabledPortalB2BDirect.war WEB-INF

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