WebSphere Version 5 Application Development Handbook

Book description

This IBM Redbooks publication provides detailed information on how to develop J2EE-compliant Web applications for WebSphere Application Server Version 5 using WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5.1 as an integrated development environment. Also covered are a variety of application development tools from IBM and Open Source.

The target audience for this book includes the entire application development team, especially architects and developers. It also includes developers with experience of earlier versions of the WebSphere products, who are looking to migrate to Version 5.

This book is organized in four main parts:
- Introduction—covering the J2EE programming model, the development process, and software configuration management
- Requirements, analysis, architecture, and design—covering the early phases of a project, using Rational XDE
- Implementation—covering the coding of business logic, presentation, and Web services, using Application Developer
- Debugging, unit testing, deployment, and measurements—covering the test and production phases of a project, using Application Developer, Application Server, and Open Source tools

Throughout the book, we refer to PiggyBank, a sample J2EE application we create step-by-step to illustrate the use of the tools, concepts, and principles of the application development process.

Please note that the additional material referenced in the text is not available from IBM.

Table of contents

  1. Notices
    1. Trademarks
    2. Preface
    3. The team that wrote this redbook
    4. Become a published author
    5. Comments welcome
  2. Part 1: Introduction
    1. Chapter 1: Introduction
      1. Target audience of this redbook
      2. Content of this redbook
        1. Objectives
        2. Context
        3. What this redbook is not
        4. Complementary readings
        5. Content overview
      3. PiggyBank
        1. The case
        2. Web interface
        3. Teller interface
        4. Technical environment
      4. Products (1/2)
      5. Products (2/2)
        1. Instructions
        2. IBM products
        3. Open Source products
        4. DB2 Universal Database
        5. WebSphere Application Server
        6. WebSphere Studio Application Developer
          1. Eclipse
          2. WebSphere Studio product family
        7. Rational XDE
        8. Rational ClearCase
        9. Struts
        10. Log4J
        11. Ant
        12. JUnit
        13. Cactus
        14. JMeter
        15. Concurrent Versions System
    2. Chapter 2: J2EE programming model
      1. J2EE platform (1/2)
      2. J2EE platform (2/2)
        1. J2EE clients
        2. Web clients
          1. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
          2. Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML)
          3. eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
          4. JavaScript and document object model (DOM)
          5. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
        3. Application clients
          1. Web services
      3. J2EE roles
      4. J2EE application model and components
        1. J2EE application model
        2. Components
          1. Servlets
          2. Filters
          3. Life cycle events
          4. JavaServer Pages (JSPs)
        3. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs)
          1. Container-managed relationships (CMR)
          2. EJB query language (EJB QL)
          3. Local and remote interfaces
        4. J2EE packaging
        5. Containers
          1. Web container
          2. EJB container
          3. JCA container
          4. Application client container
          5. Applet container
        6. J2EE services
          1. Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
          2. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
          3. Java Transaction API (JTA) and Java Transaction Service (JTS)
          4. Isolation level
          5. Java Messaging Service (JMS)
        7. J2EE benefits
      5. WebSphere Application Server (1/2)
      6. WebSphere Application Server (2/2)
        1. WebSphere versions
        2. WebSphere Application Server architecture
          1. Node
          2. Configuration repository
          3. Application Server
          4. Web server and Web server plug-in
          5. Embedded HTTP server
          6. Virtual hosts
          7. Administrative Console and application
          8. Admin service
          9. Scripting client
          10. JMS server
          11. Name server
          12. Security service
          13. Web services engine
      7. Summary
    3. Chapter 3: Development process
      1. The need for a process
        1. Waterfall model
        2. An iterated process
      2. The need for architecture (1/2)
      3. The need for architecture (2/2)
        1. Rational Unified Process
          1. Four phases of a software development project
        2. eXtreme Programming
          1. Values
          2. Practices
          3. Phases
      4. Project roles
      5. Unified Modeling Language
        1. Static diagrams
        2. Dynamic diagrams
      6. Development using frameworks
        1. Starting with a framework
        2. What is a framework?
        3. Frameworks drawbacks
        4. Framework adoption
        5. Frameworks used for PiggyBank
      7. Summary
    4. Chapter 4: Software configuration management
      1. Introduction
        1. Resource management
      2. Managing versions with CVS (1/2)
      3. Managing versions with CVS (2/2)
        1. Using CVS
          1. Working with a project
          2. Caveats
        2. Using CVS with Application Developer
          1. Creating a repository
          2. Connecting to a repository
          3. Retrieving a project from the repository
          4. Registering a project with the repository
          5. Committing updates
          6. Retrieving updates
          7. Creating a version
          8. Merging conflicts
      4. Version management with Rational ClearCase LT (1/2)
      5. Version management with Rational ClearCase LT (2/2)
        1. Using ClearCase
        2. Using ClearCase with Application Developer
          1. Creating the Versioned Object Base
          2. Creating the view
          3. Registering a project with ClearCase
          4. Editing a file
          5. Merging conflicts
          6. File management operations
          7. Retrieving a project from the view
          8. Retrieving updates
          9. Creating a version
          10. Removing a view
      6. Summary
  3. Part 2: Requirements, analysis, and design
    1. Chapter 5: Requirements
      1. Requirements gathering
        1. Techniques for requirements gathering
          1. Best practices for requirements gathering
      2. Use case modeling (1/2)
      3. Use case modeling (2/2)
        1. Template for use cases
        2. PiggyBank use cases
          1. Display balance
          2. Transfer money
          3. Cash check
        3. Organizing your use cases
        4. Creating PiggyBank use case diagrams
      4. Activity diagrams
        1. Creating the display balance activity diagram
      5. PiggyBank prototype
        1. Prototype process
        2. Types of prototypes
        3. Benefits of prototyping
        4. PiggyBank user interface
          1. Welcome page
          2. Login
          3. Main menu
          4. Display accounts
          5. Transfer
          6. Logout
          7. Teller application
      6. Summary
    2. Chapter 6: Analysis
      1. Analysis model
        1. Analysis stereotypes
        2. Creating the analysis model in Rational XDE
      2. Finding classes
      3. Defining the domain model
        1. Describing the domain model in Rational XDE
          1. Adding classes
          2. Adding attributes
          3. Adding relationships
      4. Realizing the use cases (1/3)
      5. Realizing the use cases (2/3)
      6. Realizing the use cases (3/3)
        1. Boundary and controller classes
        2. Display balance
          1. Adding the collaboration instance
          2. Creating the sequence diagram
          3. Using packages
          4. Completing the sequence diagram
          5. Adding notes to the diagram
          6. Collaboration class diagram
        3. Transfer money
          1. Sequence diagram
          2. Collaboration class diagram
        4. Cash check
          1. Sequence diagram
          2. Collaboration class diagram
      7. Summary
    3. Chapter 7: Architecture
      1. What is software architecture?
      2. Architectural views
      3. Runtime architecture
      4. Application architecture
      5. Presentation layer
        1. Standalone client
        2. Web client
          1. Servlet - Model 1
          2. MVC - Model 2
      6. Business layer
        1. Session facade
        2. Business delegate
        3. Transfer object
      7. Integration layer
        1. Data access object
      8. Architecture by tiers
      9. Summary
    4. Chapter 8: Design
      1. Moving from analysis to design
      2. Design model structure
        1. Design layers
        2. Design subsystems
        3. Realization package
      3. Creating the design model in Rational XDE
        1. Preferences
        2. Creating the design model
        3. Creating the design model structure
      4. PiggyBank design
        1. Design procedure
      5. Integration layer design (1/2)
      6. Integration layer design (2/2)
        1. Create a subsystem
        2. Create classes
        3. Create method
        4. Create relationships
      7. Business layer design (1/3)
      8. Business layer design (2/3)
      9. Business layer design (3/3)
        1. Domain model
          1. Create domain model classes
        2. Session facade
          1. Create session facade classes
        3. Business delegate
          1. Business delegate interface definitions
          2. Business delegate EJB implementation design
      10. Presentation layer design (1/2)
      11. Presentation layer design (2/2)
        1. Web client
          1. ApplicationInitServlet
        2. Servlet - Model 1
          1. BaseServlet
        3. MVC - Model 2
          1. BaseAction
      12. Common elements design
        1. PiggyBank log wrapper
          1. Designing the log wrapper
        2. PiggyBank home factory
          1. Designing the home factory
      13. Packaging the application
        1. Defining components
        2. Enterprise application packaging
        3. Deployment diagram
      14. Summary
  4. Part 3: Implementation
    1. Chapter 9: Considerations
      1. Application Developer guidelines
        1. Workspace
        2. .Workspace structure
          1. Utility project
        3. Project structure
        4. Source code formatting
          1. Application Developer preferences
          2. Checkstyle
      2. Application logging (1/2)
      3. Application logging (2/2)
        1. Requirements for a logging framework
        2. Logging implementation
        3. Automation opportunities
      4. Using JNDI
        1. Obtaining an InitialContext
        2. Local and global JNDI namespaces
        3. Caching
      5. Coding for performance (1/2)
      6. Coding for performance (2/2)
        1. General performance tips
          1. Database connection pooling
          2. Using System.out
          3. String concatenation
        2. JSP and servlet performance tips
          1. Storing objects in HTTP sessions
          2. Using HTTP sessions in JSPs
          3. Servlet multi-threading
        3. EJB performance tips
          1. Accessing EJBs from client code
          2. Transaction isolation levels
      7. Managing application versions (1/2)
      8. Managing application versions (2/2)
        1. Specifying the application name
        2. Partitioning Web applications in the URI namespace
          1. Partitioning using virtual hosts
          2. Partitioning using the Web application context root
        3. Partitioning EJBs in the JNDI namespace
        4. Partitioning access to database and other resources
      9. Security
        1. Application-managed security
        2. Container-managed security
        3. Reactive or proactive security
      10. Summary
    2. Chapter 10: Code generation
      1. Code generation
      2. Log wrapper code generation (1/2)
      3. Log wrapper code generation (2/2)
        1. Creating the Java modeling project
        2. Using the copy procedure
        3. Using the move procedure
        4. Code generation
        5. Synchronizing the model and code
      4. Reverse engineering (Java) (1/2)
      5. Reverse engineering (Java) (2/2)
        1. Create the reference model
        2. Use the reference model
        3. Extend the log wrapper
      6. PiggyBank EJB generation
        1. Creating the EJB modeling project
      7. Summary
    3. Chapter 11: Business logic
      1. PiggyBank business layer
      2. Preparing Application Developer
        1. Workspace
        2. Preferences
        3. Import required projects
      3. Implementing the components
      4. Implementing the framework project
        1. Creating the Java project
        2. Tailoring the logging implementation
        3. Creating the packages
        4. Creating the classes
          1. Creating the IPiggyBankBusinessDelegate interface
          2. Creating the BusinessDelegateFactory
      5. Implementing the business delegate project
        1. Creating the Java project
        2. Creating the packages
        3. Creating the classes
          1. Creating the PiggyBankEJBDelegateImpl
          2. Creating the PiggyBankEJBDelegateFactory
      6. Creating an enterprise application for the EJBs
        1. Creating an EAR project with an EJB module
      7. Preparing the WebSphere test environment (1/2)
      8. Preparing the WebSphere test environment (2/2)
        1. Server project
        2. WebSphere Version 5.0.2 server
        3. Adding the enterprise application to the server
        4. Configuring the server with a data source
          1. Define an authentication alias
          2. Define a data source
        5. Setting the server class path
        6. Enabling security for the server
          1. Disable security for now
      9. Utility projects
        1. Adding a utility project to an enterprise application
          1. Module dependency
      10. Implementing the EJB project (1/11)
      11. Implementing the EJB project (2/11)
      12. Implementing the EJB project (3/11)
      13. Implementing the EJB project (4/11)
      14. Implementing the EJB project (5/11)
      15. Implementing the EJB project (6/11)
      16. Implementing the EJB project (7/11)
      17. Implementing the EJB project (8/11)
      18. Implementing the EJB project (9/11)
      19. Implementing the EJB project (10/11)
      20. Implementing the EJB project (11/11)
        1. Project properties
        2. Creating the packages
        3. Reviewing the model
        4. Creating the transfer objects
        5. Creating the CMP entity beans
          1. Create the Customer entity bean
          2. Create the CmpEntityAdapter
          3. Create the Account entity bean
        6. Tailoring the CMP entity beans
          1. Modify the bean create methods
          2. Promoting the ejbCreate method to the home interface
          3. Creating the composite value getData methods
          4. Adding the getData methods to the component interface
          5. Promote getter and setter methods to local interface
        7. Creating the relationship
          1. Deployment descriptor and generated methods
          2. Customer methods
          3. Account methods
          4. Code customization for the Account bean
        8. Mapping the entity beans to tables
          1. Generate the mapping
          2. Tailor the generated table model
        9. Creating the database and the tables
          1. Create the ItsoAdDatabase project
          2. Generate the DDL
          3. Create the PIG_BANK database
          4. Execute the DDL for the tables
          5. Load the PIG_BANK database
        10. Generating the deployed code
          1. Code generation
        11. Completing the deployment descriptor
        12. Testing the enterprise beans
          1. WebSphere test environment
          2. Testing using the universal test client
        13. Creating the session bean session facade
          1. Creating the session bean
          2. Create the PiggyBankController session bean
          3. Create the SessionFacadeAdapter
          4. Add a getHome method to the SessionFacadeAdapter
          5. Change the controller session bean
          6. Implementing the business logic
          7. Promoting the methods
        14. Setting the deployment properties
          1. Defining EJB references
          2. Transaction settings
          3. Generate the deployed code
        15. Security
          1. Define security roles
          2. Define method permissions
          3. Add security roles to enterprise application
        16. Testing the session facade in the universal test client
      21. Adding a UML visualization class diagram
        1. Creating an EJB diagram
        2. Adding implementation classes
        3. Accessing the source
        4. Using the diagram to update the model
        5. Creating diagrams for Java code
      22. Summary
    4. Chapter 12: Presentation
      1. Application Developer setup
        1. Web project preferences
        2. Required projects
        3. Required users
        4. Configure the enterprise application
          1. Security configuration
      2. Model 1 Web client (1/8)
      3. Model 1 Web client (2/8)
      4. Model 1 Web client (3/8)
      5. Model 1 Web client (4/8)
      6. Model 1 Web client (5/8)
      7. Model 1 Web client (6/8)
      8. Model 1 Web client (7/8)
      9. Model 1 Web client (8/8)
        1. Creating a dynamic Web project
          1. Using the New Web Project wizard
          2. Web project properties
          3. Web security configuration
        2. Copy the HTML pages from the prototype
        3. Login configuration
        4. Servlet development
          1. Creating the BaseServlet
          2. Implementing the BaseServlet
          3. Creating the use case servlets
          4. Creating a use case servlet using a template servlet
          5. Implementing the servlets
          6. Mapping the servlets
          7. Application initialization servlet
        5. JSP development
          1. HTML and JSP files
          2. Running with and without security
          3. JSP fragment for standard menu
          4. Hyperlinking to a servlet
          5. Hyperlink with GET HTTP parameters
          6. Hyperlink with POST HTTP parameters (security logout)
          7. Linking a form to a servlet
          8. Using a bean
          9. Displaying a bean property
          10. Displaying a list of accounts
          11. Error page
        6. Updating the HTML links
        7. Resulting pages
        8. Defining an EJB reference
        9. Testing the Web application
          1. Starting the server
          2. Testing the PiggyBank-Servlet application
        10. References about servlets and JSPs
      10. Struts (1/10)
      11. Struts (2/10)
      12. Struts (3/10)
      13. Struts (4/10)
      14. Struts (5/10)
      15. Struts (6/10)
      16. Struts (7/10)
      17. Struts (8/10)
      18. Struts (9/10)
      19. Struts (10/10)
        1. Struts description
        2. Struts applicability
        3. Struts components
          1. Servlet controller
          2. Configuration file
          3. Action objects
          4. Form beans
          5. Error handling
          6. Custom tags
          7. Internationalization through a resource file
        4. Application Developer support for Struts
        5. Roadmap
        6. Creating a dynamic Web project with Struts support
          1. Struts project properties
        7. Implementation overview
          1. Form beans
        8. Setting up the initial JSP files
        9. Struts security configuration and login pages
          1. Running with and without security
        10. Designing the application flow using a Web diagram
          1. Laying out the components
          2. Lay out the flow connections
          3. Guidelines for the Web diagram
        11. Implementing the form beans
        12. Implementing field validation in the form beans
          1. LoginForm validation
          2. TransferForm validation
        13. Application resources
        14. Creating the BaseAction
        15. Creating an action
        16. Implementing the JSPs
          1. New JSP File wizard
          2. Implementing the home page
          3. Implementing the JSP fragment
          4. Implementing the main menu
          5. Implementing the DisplayAccountsResult JSP
          6. Implementing the TransferAccounts JSP
          7. Implementing the TransferForm JSP
          8. Implementing the TransferResult JSP
          9. Implementing the ErrorMessage JSP
          10. Implementing the LogoutResult JSP
          11. Setting the action in the UnsecureLoginForm JSP
        17. Implementing the actions
          1. Completing the execute methods of the actions
          2. MainMenuAction
          3. DisplayAccountsAction and TransferAccountsAction
          4. TransferFormAction
          5. TransferAction
        18. Tailoring the configuration file
        19. Showing the input JSP in the Web diagram
        20. ApplicationInitServlet
        21. Testing the Struts application
        22. Printing the Web diagram
        23. Struts references
      20. Swing GUI (1/3)
      21. Swing GUI (2/3)
      22. Swing GUI (3/3)
        1. Runtime environment for teller application
        2. Creating the projects
        3. Creating the GUI with the Visual Editor
          1. Creating a visual class
          2. Designing the GUI layout
          3. Naming the components
          4. Adding event handling
          5. Coding the main method
          6. Coding the application logic
          7. Defining the EJB reference in the deployment descriptor
        4. Creating the thin client
        5. Running the J2EE client
          1. J2EE client inside Application Developer
          2. J2EE client outside Application Developer
        6. Running the thin client
          1. Thin client inside Application Developer
          2. Thin client outside Application Developer
        7. Usage of the teller application
      23. Summary
    5. Chapter 13: Web services
      1. Introduction (1/2)
      2. Introduction (2/2)
        1. Web services definition
        2. Web services evolution
        3. Service-oriented architecture
        4. Web services approach for a SOA architecture
        5. Main organizations
          1. W3C
          2. Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I)
          3. OASIS
      3. Web service support in Application Developer
        1. Bottom-up development of a Web service
        2. Top-down development of a Web service
        3. Client development
      4. Connecting PiggyBank to CityBank
      5. Web service development for CityBank (1/2)
      6. Web service development for CityBank (2/2)
        1. Project setup
        2. Assign the project to a server
        3. Import CityBank implementation
        4. Creating a Web service from a JavaBean
        5. Generated files
        6. Testing a Web service with the Web Services Explorer
      7. Web service client development (1/2)
      8. Web service client development (2/2)
        1. Project setup
        2. Create a Web service proxy
        3. Generated files
        4. Testing a Web service with the universal test client
      9. Integrating the Web service client into PiggyBank
        1. Integration layer
        2. Business layer
        3. Packaging the Web service client with the integration layer
        4. Testing the Web service with the integration layer
        5. Testing the Web service with the business layer
        6. Testing the Web service with the teller application
        7. More information
      10. Summary
  5. Part 4: Debugging, unit testing, deployment, and measurement
    1. Chapter 14: Debugging
      1. Debug perspective
        1. Debug view
        2. Debugger editor
        3. Variables view
        4. Breakpoints view
        5. Expressions view
        6. Display view
      2. Debugger Java Virtual Machine
        1. Hot method replace
      3. Debugging PiggyBank (1/2)
      4. Debugging PiggyBank (2/2)
        1. Debugging servlets
          1. Setting breakpoints
          2. Breakpoint properties
          3. Starting the server in debug mode
          4. Hot method replace
          5. Stop debugging
        2. Debugging JSPs
        3. Debugging an EJB
      5. Attaching to a remote server to debug
        1. Starting Application Server in debug mode
        2. Create an attach server in Application Developer
        3. Attaching to the running server
      6. Summary
    2. Chapter 15: Unit testing
      1. Unit testing
        1. What is unit testing?
        2. Why unit testing?
        3. Benefits of a unit testing framework
      2. JUnit
      3. Testing with JUnit
        1. TestCase class
        2. Test runner
        3. TestSuite class
      4. Organizing the tests
        1. Test case packaging
          1. All tests of a package
          2. All tests of a project
      5. Creating test cases (1/3)
      6. Creating test cases (2/3)
      7. Creating test cases (3/3)
        1. Preparing for JUnit
        2. Creating a test case
          1. Method stubs
        3. Provide a dummy factory implementation
        4. Set up and tear down methods
        5. Test method
          1. JUnit supplied methods
        6. Creating the AllTests test suite
        7. Running the test case
      8. Cactus (1/2)
      9. Cactus (2/2)
        1. How Cactus works
        2. Preparing the system for Cactus
          1. Download Cactus from the Internet
          2. Import Cactus into the ItsoAdLibs project
          3. Create a configuration file
          4. Cactus requires JUnit
        3. Preparing the PiggyBank server for Cactus
        4. Preparing the Web project for JUnit and Cactus
          1. Create the Cactus configuration
        5. Verify the Cactus installation with a test servlet
          1. Creating a Cactus test case
          2. Running the test case
      10. Test servlets and EJBs with Cactus (1/2)
      11. Test servlets and EJBs with Cactus (2/2)
        1. Securing the servlet redirector
          1. Verify PiggyBankServer configuration
        2. Test a servlet with Cactus
          1. Create a test case for the main menu servlet
          2. Test form based authentication
          3. Test the performTask method
        3. Test an EJB with Cactus
          1. Prepare the EJB project
          2. Testing the PiggyBankController
          3. Running the test
        4. Enabling HTML test report generation
      12. Summary
    3. Chapter 16: Profiling
      1. Introduction to profiling
      2. Profiling architecture
      3. Profiling with Application Developer (1/3)
      4. Profiling with Application Developer (2/3)
      5. Profiling with Application Developer (3/3)
        1. Start the server with profiling
        2. Profiling wizard
        3. Profiling perspective
        4. Examining timing information
          1. Method statistics
          2. Method invocation
        5. Examining memory utilization
          1. Instance statistics
          2. Garbage collection
          3. Object references
        6. Examining the execution flow
        7. Other views
        8. Ending the profiling session
      6. J2EE Request Profiler agent
      7. Summary
    4. Chapter 17: Deployment
      1. Deployment using a remote server
        1. Creating a remote server
        2. Configuring the remote server
        3. Deploying the enterprise applications
        4. Testing the application
      2. Deployment using the Administrative Console (1/2)
      3. Deployment using the Administrative Console (2/2)
        1. Exporting the enterprise applications
        2. Preparing the server for logging
        3. Start the server for configuration
        4. Configuring the Application Server
          1. Changing environment variables
          2. Creating a shared library
          3. Enabling security
          4. Configure an authentication alias
          5. Create a data source
          6. Save the configuration
        5. Installing the PiggyBank application
          1. Installing the CityBank application
          2. Adding the shared library to PiggyBank application
          3. Regenerating the HTTP plugin configuration
        6. Restarting the server
        7. Running the PiggyBank application
      4. Deployment using Ant and wsadmin
        1. What is Ant?
        2. WebSphere Ant tasks
        3. wsadmin
      5. PiggyBank Ant and wsadmin scripts (1/4)
      6. PiggyBank Ant and wsadmin scripts (2/4)
      7. PiggyBank Ant and wsadmin scripts (3/4)
      8. PiggyBank Ant and wsadmin scripts (4/4)
        1. Tailoring the scripts
        2. Changing an environment variable
        3. Creating a JDBC provider
        4. Creating a data source
        5. Enable/disable global security
        6. Installing applications
        7. Listing applications in the server
        8. Starting, stopping, and restarting the server
        9. Deploying the application with an Ant master file
        10. Running the Ant scripts
          1. Preparation
          2. Start the server
          3. Change environment variable
          4. Create a JDBC provider
          5. Create data source
          6. Install PiggyBank application
          7. List applications
          8. Administrative Console
          9. Enable security
          10. Restart the server
          11. Test the PiggyBank application
        11. Deploying the universal test client
          1. Install UTC
          2. Add EJB JAR file as shared library to UTC
          3. Testing with UTC
      9. Summary
    5. Chapter 18: Performance and load testing
      1. Monitoring the performance of transactions (1/2)
      2. Monitoring the performance of transactions (2/2)
        1. Business transactions
        2. Performance and load testing
      3. WebSphere products for performance testing
        1. WebSphere Studio Workload Simulator for z/OS and OS/390
        2. WebSphere Studio Application Monitor for z/OS
      4. Other tools and references
      5. Apache JMeter
        1. Installing JMeter
        2. Starting JMeter
        3. PiggyBank JMeter servlet test plan
          1. Thread group
          2. HTTP request defaults
          3. HTTP request
          4. Response assertion
          5. HTTP user parameter modifier
          6. Variable values in users.xml
          7. Results
        4. Running the test plan
          1. Table result
          2. Tree result
          3. Graph result
        5. Secure test plan
        6. Remarks
      6. Summary
    6. Chapter 19: Web analytics
      1. Introduction (1/2)
      2. Introduction (2/2)
        1. Web analytics definition
        2. History
        3. Web usage data
          1. HTTP transaction
          2. Terminology
        4. Data-gathering methods
        5. Log formats
        6. Configure IBM HTTP Server logging
          1. Using the IBM HTTP Administration Server
          2. Manual configuration
      3. Using WebTrends Log Analyzer (WLA) (1/3)
      4. Using WebTrends Log Analyzer (WLA) (2/3)
      5. Using WebTrends Log Analyzer (WLA) (3/3)
        1. WLA concepts
          1. WLA architecture
          2. Web site profiles
          3. Data sources
          4. Analysis process
        2. Product installation
        3. Sample log files
        4. WLA configuration
          1. Open the AdminConsole
          2. Configure user access and privileges
          3. Page types
        5. Create a profile
          1. Log data sources
          2. Home parameters
          3. User access
          4. Save the profile
        6. Start analysis
        7. Viewing reports in the Desktop
          1. Report structure
          2. Distributing the reports
          3. Exporting reports
          4. Setting report time range
      6. Examining the reports (1/4)
      7. Examining the reports (2/4)
      8. Examining the reports (3/4)
      9. Examining the reports (4/4)
        1. Bandwidth usage
          1. Web server connection
          2. Web server traffic
        2. Browsers
        3. Top platforms
        4. Top pages
        5. Content groups
          1. Create content groups
          2. View the content group report
        6. Exit pages
        7. Top paths
        8. File not found errors
          1. Configure an error page in IBM HTTP Server
        9. Server errors
        10. No referrer
        11. Hourly load
      10. Problems
        1. Internal hits
        2. Data volume
        3. IP multiplexing
        4. HTTP parameters
        5. User privacy
      11. More information
      12. Summary
  6. Part 5: Appendixes
    1. Appendix A: Setting up the environment
      1. Installation planning
      2. Hardware
      3. Software
      4. Operating system users
        1. Users in this redbook
        2. Creating users in Windows 2000
      5. Installation of DB2 UDB
      6. Installation of WebSphere Application Server 5.0
      7. Installation process
      8. Verifying the installation
      9. Installing Fixpack 2 for WebSphere Application Server 5.0
      10. Installation of WebSphere Studio Application Developer
      11. Installation of Application Developer 5.1
      12. Specifying the Application Developer workspace
        1. Using multiple workspaces
        2. Creating a shortcut
      13. Installing the IBM Agent Controller
      14. Installation of Application Developer 5.0.1
      15. Installation of Rational XDE
      16. Setting up the PIG_BANK database
      17. Sample customer data
      18. Sample account data
    2. Appendix B: Additional material
      1. Locating the Web material
      2. Using the Web material
      3. System requirements for downloading the Web material
        1. Required software
      4. Content of the Web material
      5. Workspace projects
      6. Installing and running the PiggyBank application
        1. Create the PIG_BANK database
        2. Prepare the WebSphere Application Server
        3. Preparing users
        4. Running the PiggyBank application
      7. Importing the sample code into Application Developer Version 5.1
        1. Importing a sample project into Application Developer
        2. Importing a single source file into Application Developer
      8. Application Developer preferences
        1. Java project preferences
        2. Web project preferences
      9. Importing a server configuration
      10. Tailoring the server configuration
  7. Abbreviations and acronyms
  8. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks
    2. Other publications
    3. Online resources
    4. How to get IBM Redbooks
    5. Help from IBM
  9. Index (1/4)
  10. Index (2/4)
  11. Index (3/4)
  12. Index (4/4)
  13. Back cover

Product information

  • Title: WebSphere Version 5 Application Development Handbook
  • Author(s): Ueli Wahli, Jonas Andersen, Nicole Hargrove, Markus Meser, Jean-Pierre Norguet
  • Release date: December 2003
  • Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
  • ISBN: None