
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures, and t indicate tables.


Approximate analytic solutions, diffusivity crossflows 
arbitrary functions 294
area crossflow rate 71–72, 294
asymptotic steady value 294
dependent variables 292
dimensionless crossflow velocity 71
exponential integral function 293
flow conditions 291
homogeneous equations 295
long time period 69–71
middle time period 69
net crossflow velocity 71, 294
numerical calculations 72
pressure differences 70, 293
short time period 69–70
steady peak value 294


Buildup pressure 143–144
Buildup well tests 
high diffusivity layer 
area crossflow rate 42f, 43–44
wellbore pressure 40–42, 40f
low diffusivity layer 
area crossflow rate 46f, 47
wellbore pressure 44–46, 44

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