
Although there are thousands of business books, tips, and articles out there, I think you would agree with me when I say that most of them are fluff—a lot of trendy concepts but very few hard-won ideas, based on actual experience, that have true applicability in the real world. You read business books because you’re looking for answers. I know; I'm the same way. I've read hundreds of them—and continue to read them—out of a sheer craving for knowledge and a desire to be better, to fine-tune, and to glean a few great ideas and put them into application. But in all that searching, very few books have offered what I'm looking for.

I'd much rather just have a successful entrepreneur sit down and answer questions about what they did, how they did it, and how it turned out. That’s the type of material I believe we are all looking for. I wrote this book not because I wanted to write a book, but because I made a habit from day one of taking diligent notes while starting and then growing my agency—from two partners, two phones, two computers, and two desks to 53 employees, multimillion dollar revenues, and four major component parts to our company that have resulted in more than 400 percent annual growth. I wrote down notes as soon as we did something that was successful to keep a memo for myself to review later. I took notes when we did things that were unsuccessful so we would never do them again, allowing us to quickly and thoroughly course correct.

So this book is made up ...

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