1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSI:_Crime_Scene_Investigation
2 Research conducted in 1989 by Deborah J. Mitchell, of the Wharton School; Jay Russo, of Cornell; and Nancy Pennington, of the University of Colorado http://hbr.org/2007/09/performing-a-project-premortem/ar/1University of Colorado.
Chapter 1
2 IBM 2010 Global CEO Study: IBM biennial Global CEO Study series, 4th edn, ‘Creativity’ www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/31670.wss.
3 Austin Carr (2010). ‘The Most Important Leadership Quality for CEOs? Creativity’ www.fastcompany.com/1648943/Creativity-the-most-important-leadership-quality-for-ceos-study?partner=homepage_newsletter.
4 Teresa M. Amabile (1998). ‘How to Kill Creativity’. Harvard Business Review http://hbr.org/product/how-to-kill-creativity/an/98501-PDF-ENG.
5 Geoffrey West (2011). ‘Why Cities Keep Growing, Corporations and People Always Die, and Life Gets Faster’, interviewed by John Brockman http://edge.org/conversation/geoffrey-west.
6 George Land & Beth Jarman (2000). Breakpoint and Beyond. Champaign, IL: HarperBusiness (ISBN: 0962660523).
7 Michael F. Shaughnessy (2011). ‘An Interview with Jonathan Plucker: Creativity, the Creative Person and the Creative Mind’ www.creativity.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=2011_ 01&wr_id=3.
8 Kyung Hee Kim (College of William and Mary), Po Bronson & Ashley Merryman (2010). ‘The Creativity ...