
Pension Plan Accounting and Financial Reporting

Defined Benefit Pension Plans

Single-Employer or Agent Multiemployer Plans

Cost-Sharing Multiemployer Plans

Administration of Multiple Plans

Financial Reporting Framework

Statement of plan net assets

Statement of changes in plan net assets

Note disclosures

GASB Statement No. 50, Pension Disclosures—An Amendment of GASB Statements No. 25 and 27

Amendments to GASBS 25

Required supplementary information


Required supplementary schedules

Disclosure requirements—Notes to the required schedules

Defined Contribution Pension Plans

Postemployment Benefit Plans Other Than Pensions

Defining Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions, (OPEB)

Financial Reporting by OPEB Plans

Public Employee Retirement Systems (PERS)

Financial Reporting Framework

Statement of plan net assets

Statement of changes in plan net assets

Note disclosures

Required Supplementary Information


Employer’s annual required contribution—ARC

Amortization method

Required Supplementary Schedules

Schedule of funding progress

Schedule of employer contributions

Alternative Measurement Method for Plans with Fewer than 100 Members

OPEB Plans That Are Not Administered as Trusts (or Equivalent Arrangements)

Defined Contribution Plans

GASB 67 Requirements for Pension Plan Accounting and Financial Reporting

GASB Statement No. 67 (GASBS 67) Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions—An Amendment ...

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