Chapter 13: Making the Most of Your Computer’s Accessories
Using Your Tablet PC Pen
Tablet PCs use pens as input devices. You can use pens for writing as well as for
interacting with items on the screen by tapping and flicking. To ensure that your
Tablet PC recognizes your tapping and flicking actions, you should take a few min-
utes to configure the related options.
Tapping your pen
Pen taps allow you to perform actions equivalent to using a mouse. You can perform
the following actions:
Double-tapping the pen on the screen is equivalent to a double-click mouse action.
Pressing and holding the pen to the screen is equivalent to a right-click mouse
action, or pressing the pen button to perform a right-click.
On some Tablet PC pens, you can grip the top of the pen to erase ink from the
You can set pen tap options by following these steps:
1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2. In the Control Panel, click Hardware and Sound, scroll down, and then click Pen
and Input Devices. This displays the Pen and Input Devices dialog box with the
Pen Options tab selected, as shown in Figure 13-12.
Figure 13-11. Entering the projector address and password
Using Laptop and Tablet PC Extras
3. To configure double-tapping, click “Double-tap” in the “Pen action” section and
then click Settings. As Figure 13-13 shows, you can then adjust how quickly you
can tap the screen and the distance the pointer can move between tapping. Use
the test area provided to test your settings. Fine-tune your settings as necessary
and then click OK.
4. To configure pressing and holding, click “Press and hold” in the “Pen action”
section and then click Settings. As Figure 13-13 shows, you can then change the
amount of time you must press and hold the pen to the screen to perform the
equivalent of a right-click, and the amount of time to perform the right-click
action. Use the test area provided to test your settings. Fine-tune your settings as
necessary and then click OK.
5. To open Input Panel automatically when you move the pen quickly from side to
side while it is positioned slightly above the screen, click Start Tablet PC Input
Panel in the “Pen action” section and then click Settings. Select the “Enable start
input panel gesture” checkbox. Use the slider to specify the relative distance you
must move the pen from side to side, and then click OK.
6. To allow clicking the pen button to be used as a right-click equivalent, select the
“Use the pen button as a right-click equivalent” checkbox.
Figure 13-12. Setting Tablet PC pen options
Chapter 13: Making the Most of Your Computer’s Accessories
7. To allow erasing ink by gripping the top of the pen (if supported) select the “Use
the top of the pen to erase ink” checkbox.
8. Click OK to save the settings.
Each tapping action of the pen is accompanied by some type of visual feedback. To
view or change visual feedback options, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2. In the Control Panel, click Hardware and Sound, scroll down, and then click Pen
and Input Devices.
3. In the Pen and Input Devices dialog box, click the Pointer Options tab, as shown
in Figure 13-14.
4. A different type of visual feedback is provided for each pen tap action. If you
don’t want to see visual feedback for a tap action, clear the related checkbox.
5. If you don’t want pen cursors to be shown instead of mouse cursors when you
use the pen, clear the “Show pen cursors instead of mouse cursors when I use
my pen” checkbox.
6. Click OK to save the settings.
Figure 13-13. Configuring Tablet PC pen settings

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