List of Acronyms

2G: Second generation

3G: Third generation

3GPP: Third Generation Partnership Project

4G: Fourth generation

5G: Fifth generation

6LNTP: 6LoWPAN network time protocol

6LoWPAN: IPv6 in low-power wireless personal area networks

AAA: Authentication, authorization, and accounting

ABC&S: Always best connected and served

ABS: Advanced base station

ACDM: Algebraic channel decomposition multiplexing

ACO: Ant colony optimization

ACP: Adaptive congestion protocol

ADA: Advanced distributed automation

AF: Amplify-and-forward

AGC: Automatic gain control

AHP: Analytical hierarchy process

AIMD: Additive-increase multiplicative-decrease

AKA: Authentication and key agreement

AMI: Advanced metering infrastructure

AMR: Access mesh router


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