Chapter 4: Modifying Existing Plugin Code

In This Chapter

arrow.png Avoiding problems with plugin modifications

arrow.png Removing plugin features

arrow.png Modifying plugin output

arrow.png Changing shortcode names

WordPress has more than 22,000 plugins on the Plugin Directory, so you would think that you could find a plugin to do everything you could possibly need on your WordPress website. However, not even the best plugins can meet the needs of every user.

This chapter explores the idea of taking an existing plugin and tweaking it to meet your specific needs. With a little bit of programming knowledge and some determination, modifying existing plugin code is very possible. Although you won’t become a full-fledged developer overnight, making changes to existing plugins can definitely get the mental gears spinning on how you can do more and more with your programming knowledge.

The examples in this chapter are simple, offering a basic introduction to modifying plugins. The next chapter goes into much more depth with regards to plugin development.

Setting the Foundation for Modifying Plugins

Before you start modifying ...

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