© Gerald Versluis and Steven Thewissen 2019
Gerald Versluis and Steven ThewissenXamarin.Forms Solutionshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4134-9_4

4. Network and Security

Gerald Versluis1  and Steven Thewissen2
Hulsberg, The Netherlands
Hulsberg, Limburg, The Netherlands

In the previous chapter, we saw how to work with data. Most of this data will probably come from some kind of backend over a network. In this chapter, we see how we can transfer this data from a backend to our app in several ways. Associated with sending and receiving data is connectivity. How can we assure that we are actually connected to a network and act on changes in the network state? These are also things we will be looking at in this chapter.

Furthermore, especially on ...

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