Appendix A. Objective-C
In This Chapter
• Summarizing Objective-C
• Looking briefly at memory management
• Using properties
• Merging Cocoa into Objective-C
Xcode is built for Cocoa development, and Cocoa development is not language-neutral. Cocoa doesn’t work without Objective-C. C++ is an object-oriented language, but that isn’t enough; it can’t do the dynamic dispatch that Cocoa relies on, and there are no Cocoa bindings for C++. Apple tried supporting Cocoa-in-Java in early versions of Mac OS X, but the match wasn’t perfect, it was hard to maintain, and nobody used it.
If you’re writing for Mac OS X, Cocoa isn’t absolutely Objective-C. There are bindings to Cocoa—through bridges to the Objective-C runtime—for Ruby and Python, which ...
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