

1. Eliot, “The Love Song,” 10.

2. Allen, “The Early Essays,” 107.


1. Kelly, Pogo.

2. Twain, What Is Man?, 17.

3. Farmer and Shepherd-Wynn, Voices of Historical, 294.

4. Thoreau, Walden, 427.

Chapter 1

1. Kozlowski, “Biologist Richard Dawkins.”

2. Wilde,

3. Dyer, Excuses Begone!, 44.

4. Price, The Quotable Billionaire, 20.

5. Goldman, Adventures in the Screen Trade, 39.

6. Carnegie, How to Stop, 219.

7. Kendrick, Identifying and Managing, 335.

8. Covey, The Seven Habits, 26, 98.

9. Ibid.

Chapter 2

1. Seuss, Happy Birthday, 44.

2. “The 16 Best Things Warren Buffett Has Ever Said.” The Huffington Post, August 30, 2013.

3. Grisham,

4. “Tiffany & Co. Company History.”

5. Kiefer, “At People ...

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