Caleb Hattingh

Caleb Hattingh is passionate about coding and has been programming for over 15 years, specializing in Python. He holds a master's degree in chemical engineering and has consequently written a great deal of scientific software within chemical engineering, from dynamic chemical reactor models all the way through to data analysis. He is very experienced with the Python scientific software stack, CRM, financial software development in the hotels and hospitality industry, frontend web experience using HTML, Sass, JavaScript (loves RactiveJS), and backend experience with Django and web2py. Caleb is a regular speaker at PyCon Australia and is actively engaged in the community as a CoderDojo Mentor, Software Carpentry helper, Govhacker, Djangogirls helper, and even Railsgirls helper. Caleb is the founder of Codermoji, and posts infrequent idle rants and half-baked ideas to his blog at
