Jonathan Whitmore

Jonathan Whitmore

Jonathan Whitmore, Ph.D., is a Data Scientist at Silicon Valley Data Science. He is the author of the O'Reilly screencast: Jupyter Notebook for Data Science Teams. He facilitated the transition between academia and industry in 2014 with an Insight Data Science Fellowship. Before moving into the tech industry, Dr. Whitmore worked as an astrophysicist in Melbourne, Australia, and he starred in the IMAX astronomy documentary Hidden Universe. Dr. Whitmore received his Ph.D. in physics from the University of California, San Diego (2011), and graduated magna cum laude from Vanderbilt University (2005) with a Bachelor of Science triple major in physics, philosophy, and mathematics.


Installing Jupyter Notebook Extensions

May 10, 2016

Jonathan Whitmore demonstrates how to install pivot tables and showcases the features of this extension by examining a dataset of restaurant scores.