Eddie Tapp

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Eddie Tapp is an award-winning photographer, lecturer, consultant and author on digital imaging issues with over 20 years of experience in computer technology. Eddie has shared his knowledge worldwide through a series of instructional CDs on Professional Enhancement Techniques, Color Management and Digital Workflow available from Software Cinema, as well as numerous contributions to publications such as "The Professional Photographer", "Photo Electronic Imaging", "Infoto Magazine", "Southern Exposure", and "Digital Capture" among others.

Currently the Director of the Institute of Visual Arts in Maui, Hawaii, Eddie served 6 years as the Chairman of the Committee on Digital and Advanced Imaging for the Professional Photographers of America where he holds the Master of Photography, Master of Electronic Imaging & Photographic Craftsman degrees, API (Approved Photographic Instructor), and is a Certified Professional Photographer. He also is the Commercial Council representative to PPA for the GPPA. Eddie serves on Adobe's Photoshop beta team and on NAPP's (National Association of Photoshop Professionals) Photoshop Dream Team.