Lesa Snider

Combining Photos and Vectors in Photoshop

Date: This event took place live on July 08 2010

Presented by: Lesa Snider

Duration: Approximately 60 minutes.

Cost: Free

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Learn how to easily combine illustrations with photography in this super creative session. Glean the secret to importing vectors into your document so you can experiment with them as backgrounds, artful embellishments, ornamental photo frames, and more — all without losing an ounce of quality. You'll also learn how to use Photoshop's vector Shape tools to create resizable and featherable masks in no time flat!

This webcast is for anyone who uses Photoshop CS5, especially graphic designers, or photographers who are looking to spice up their images. Folks with any skill level should be able to follow it as Lesa will provide a brief description of what vectors actually are.

About Lesa Snider

Lesa Snider is on a mission to teach the world to create--and use!--better graphics.

She's a stock photographer and chief evangelist for iStockphoto, and founder of the creative tutorial site GraphicReporter. Lesa is the author of Photoshop CS4: The Missing Manual (Pogue Press/O'Reilly) and many video training titles including From Photo to Graphic Art, Practical Photoshop Elements, and Photoshop Elements 8 for Photographers (by KelbyTraining.com), and Graphic Secrets for Business Professionals (Lynda.com). She writes a regular colulmn for Photoshop User magazine called Graphic Secrets, as well as a monthly column for Elements Techniques, and Macworld Magazine. She also contributes frequently to CreativePro.com and Layers magazine. Lesa is a corporate trainer and can be spotted teaching at Photoshop World, Macworld Expo, UCDA Design Conference, Graphics of the Americas, the Santa Fe Workshops, Geek Girl Camp, as well as a variety of large camera stores across the U.S.

During free time, you'll find her carving the twisties on her sportbike or hanging with fellow Apple Mac enthusiasts. Lesa is a proud member of the BMWMOA, F800 Riders Club, the Colorado Mac Users Group, and North Coast Mac Users Group.