Four short links: 20 September 2017

AI Needs Ethics, Automotive-Grade Linux, Drawing Clocks, and Facial Recognition

By Nat Torkington
September 20, 2017
  1. AI Research Needs an Ethical Watchdog (Wired) — Right now, if government-funded scientists want to research humans for a study, the law requires them to get the approval of an ethics committee known as an institutional review board, or IRB. Stanford’s review board approved Kosinski and Wang’s study. But these boards use rules developed 40 years ago for protecting people during real-life interactions, such as drawing blood or conducting interviews. “The regulations were designed for a very specific type of research harm and a specific set of research methods that simply don’t hold for data science,” says Metcalf.
  2. Automotive-Grade Linux Debuts On The 2018 Toyota Camry — you heard it here first: 2018 is the year of the Linux hatchback. You heard it here first!
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  4. Clocks for Software EngineersThe first and perhaps most difficult part of learning hardware design is to learn that all hardware design is parallel design. Things don’t take place serially, as in one instruction after another … like they do in a computer. Instead, everything happens at once.
  5. Facial Recognition is Here to Stay — I have to admit that when I saw facial recognition improving, and realised it’d be useful in a few years, I never imagined the use case would be “so the cashier at Chik-Fil-A would know your name.”
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