Four short links: 24 February 2020

CV Unethical, Convert Schemas, Multiplayer Live-Coding Audio, and ML Risk Analysis

By Nat Torkington
February 24, 2020
Four Short Links
  1. YOLO Creator Leaves Computer Vision — Joseph Redmon, creator of YOLO (You Only Look Once) has stopped doing computer vision because of its uses. But basically all facial recognition work would not get published if we took Broader Impacts sections seriously. There is almost no upside and enormous downside risk.
  2. schema tool to infer and instantiate schemas and translate between data formats. Supports JSON, GraphQL, YAML, TOML, and XML.
  3. Learn faster. Dig deeper. See farther.

    Join the O'Reilly online learning platform. Get a free trial today and find answers on the fly, or master something new and useful.

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  4. Overtonean open source audio environment designed to explore new musical ideas from synthesis and sampling to instrument building, live-coding, and collaborative jamming. We combine the powerful SuperCollider audio engine with Clojure, a state of-the-art lisp, to create an intoxicating interactive sonic experience.
  5. An Architectural Risk Analysis of Machine Learning Systems — a comprehensive approach to identifying different types of risk in each component and process of a generic machine learning system.
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