Four short links: 29 July 2020

Golden Rule, Software History, Videochat History, and AI Product Management

By Nat Torkington
July 29, 2020
Four Short Links
  1. The Golden Rule of Software QualityPrefer to push fixes upstream instead of working around problems downstream. That is to say: if you find a shortcoming in a package you use, then you should fix it and contribute your fix to that package. Don’t simply workaround it in your code.
  2. The Coining of the Word “Software”In October, 1953, I coined the word ‘software.’
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  4. Learning from Videochat in the Past — Really interesting glimpse at previous work in videoconferencing, exploring why current UX is so meh and what history suggests might be better.
  5. The Core Responsibilities of the AI Product ManagerIn this article, we turn our attention to the process itself: how do you bring a product to market? ML-driven products are going to be weird in many ways, and will change ops, product management, and other functions.
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