Four short links: 8 November 2017

Shadow Profiles, Theories of Learning, Feature Visualization, and Time to Reflect Reality

By Nat Torkington
November 8, 2017
  1. How Facebook Figures Out Everyone You’ve Ever Met (Gizmodo) — Behind the Facebook profile you’ve built for yourself is another one, a shadow profile, built from the inboxes and smartphones of other Facebook users. Contact information you’ve never given the network gets associated with your account, making it easier for Facebook to more completely map your social connections. (via Slashdot)
  2. Theories of Deep Learning (STATS 385) — Stanford class. Lecture videos are posted after the lectures are given.
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  4. Feature Visualization (Distill) — How neural networks build up their understanding of images. Wonderfully visual.
  5. Mapping’s Intelligent Agents Industry players are developing dynamic HD maps, accurate within inches, that would afford the car’s sensors some geographic foresight, allowing it to calculate its precise position relative to fixed landmarks. […] Yet, achieving real-time “truth” throughout the network requires overcoming limitations in data infrastructure. The rate of data collection, processing, transmission, and actuation is limited by cellular bandwidth as well as on-board computing power. Mobileye is attempting to speed things up by compressing new map information into a “Road Segment Data” capsule that can be pushed between the master map in the Cloud and cars in the field. If nothing else, the system has given us a memorable new term, “Time to Reflect Reality,” which is the metric of lag time between the world as it is and the world as it is known to machines.
Post topics: Four Short Links