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August 04, 2004
Reviews of 'We the Media'
This is a list of longer reviews.
In Print Publications
San Jose Mercury News (reg req): Steve Weinberg, a freelance reviewer, says the book offers "an important, unconventional message." (08/01/04)
On the Web
Tom Duff says the book is "a must read for serious bloggers and journalists, both 'professional' and 'citizen'. (08/17/04"Mindjack: J.D. Lasica calls it "certainly the most important journalism book of this year, for it aptly details a gathering storm that is about to sweep away everything we thought we knew about the news."
George Wooley: "If you care about the direction journalism is moving, this would be a very good book to read." (08/12/04)
Slashdot: Ernie Miller says it should be required reading in journalism schools, suggested reading for business people and is worthwhile reading for people who are "interested in becoming a more active participant, in learning more about the role the once-passive, now-proactive audience is playing in creating, editing and filtering media..." (08/04/04)
Note: If you see reviews we've missed, please let us know. Thanks.
Posted by Dan at August 4, 2004 03:29 PM
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