Miguel Grinberg

Python Web Development with Flask

Date: This event took place live on May 13 2014

Presented by: Miguel Grinberg

Duration: Approximately 60 minutes.

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Flask is a small and easy-to-use, yet fully featured open source web framework written in Python. It is considered a micro-framework, but don't let the "micro" part fool you; Flask can do everything the others can do, many times in a simpler, leaner way. Flask's code is concise and well written; you can easily read and understand it. In this webcast, we'll provide an overview of Flask, full of examples that you can download and try. The topics to be discussed are:

  • Installation
  • Anatomy of a Flask application
  • Templates
  • Web forms
  • Database
  • Project structure for large applications

About Miguel Grinberg

Miguel Grinberg is a Senior Staff Software Engineer at Harmonic, Inc., where he leads a team of engineers that produces video software for the broadcast industry. He has a blog at blog.miguelgrinberg.com, where he writes about a variety of topics, including web development, Python, robotics, photography, and the occasional movie review. Miguel authored the epic 18-part Flask Mega-Tutorial series and is currently writing a book on this framework to be published by O'Reilly Media in 2014. He lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife, four kids, two dogs, and cat. Follow @miguelgrinberg on Twitter.