Steve SoudersJohn Allspaw

Velocity 2011: Take-aways, Trends, and Highlights

Date: This event took place live on June 24 2011

Presented by: Steve Souders, John Allspaw

Duration: Approximately 60 minutes.

Cost: Free

Questions? Please send email to


The web performance and operations community will gather for three days at Velocity on June 14-16 in Santa Clara, California. In this webcast following the conference, program chairs Steve Souders and John Allspaw will identify and discuss key trends and announcements that came out of the event and how they will impact and inform the web industry in the year to come. We'll build in plenty of time for audience interaction; all participants are encouraged to bring their own ideas, insights, and questions into the discussion, from both the conference and beyond.

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About Steve Souders

Steve works at Google on web performance and open source initiatives. He previously served as Chief Performance Yahoo!. Steve is the author of High Performance Web Sites and Even Faster Web Sites. He is the creator of YSlow, one of the top 25 of 2 billion Firefox add-ons. He's created many other performance tools and services including Cuzillion, Jdrop, ControlJS, and Browserscope. He serves as co-chair of Velocity, the web performance and operations conference from O'Reilly, and is co-founder of the Firebug Working Group. He taught CS193H: High Performance Web Sites at Stanford University.

About John Allspaw

John has worked in systems operations for over fourteen years in biotech, government and online media. He started out tuning parallel clusters running vehicle crash simulations for the U.S. government, and then moved on to the Internet in 1997. He built the backing infrastructures at Salon, InfoWorld, Friendster, and Flickr.

He is now VP of Tech Operations at Etsy, and is the author of The Art of Capacity Planning published by O'Reilly.