Stephen Elston

Data Science in the Cloud with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning and R

Date: This event took place live on January 20 2015

Presented by: Stephen Elston

Duration: Approximately 60 minutes.

Cost: Free

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The Microsoft Azure Machine Learning cloud platform provides simplified yet powerful data management, transformation and machine learning tools. R language scripts integrate with built in Azure ML modules to extend the platform. Additionally, models running in Azure ML can be published as web services.

Using an in-depth data science example, this webinar will show you how to perform data science tasks including, data management, data transformation, and machine learning in the Azure ML cloud environment. Specifically in this webcast you will learn:

  • Data management with Azure ML.
  • Data transformation with Azure ML and R.
  • Data I/O between Azure ML and the R Scripts.
  • R graphics with Azure ML.
  • Building and evaluating machine learning models with Azure ML and R.
  • Publishing Azure ML models as a web service.

The dataset and R code used in this tutorial are available at

Free tier Azure ML accounts are now available with a Microsoft ID at

About Stephen F. Elston

Stephen F. Elston, Managing Director of Quantia Analytics, LLC is a big data geek and data scientist, with over two decades of experience with predictive analytics, machine learning, and R and S/SPLUS. He leads architecture, development, sales and support for predictive analytics and machine learning solutions. Steve holds a PhD degree in Geophysics from Princeton University. Formerly, he led R&D for the S-PLUS companies and is a cofounder of FinAnalytica, Inc.