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A vital flow of vendor-neutral perspectives for state of the art in open source.— Paco Nathan, Director of Community Evangelism @Databricks
Best in the industry.— Paul Dunn, BSA
It helps me filter out the noise in the complex, dynamic, ever changing world of technology and programming and helps me focus on things that are viable and a game changer. Saves me research time!— Santosh Shanbhag, Software Architect, PwC
I love it. I know of no other news source that delves into programming topics quite like this one. Very insightful.— Ken A Collins
Developers need information not distraction. O’Reilly shows deep respect for our time. Thank You, O'Reilly!— DI Eugen Neuber, Developer
It provides a starting point for asking my own organization what levels of interest they have in a topic. When interest hits the threshold of perceived value, we move forward in designing a curriculum.— Dr. Clint LeClair, C.E.O.
It’s an eye-opener. There are many little facets of the open source world that go unnoticed (at least by me) until the newsletter shines a light there.— Marinus, Sysadmin
O’Reilly Programming Newsletter is a mind opener that foster idea and creativity. A must for any programmer.— Nicolas Brousse, Sr. Director Of Operations Engineering at TubeMogul
This is one of the few newsletters that I actually read in its entirety. There’s always something new and interesting.— Walter Lapchynski, Lubuntu contributor
It takes me out of my comfort zone, opens my eyes to new tech and makes me laugh. No other periodical has that winning combination.— Bryan Basham, JVM/FOSS Developer, Architect and Instuctor
I have very high praise for the O’Reilly Programming Newsletter. It often keeps me informed on industry trends and news, provides me with paths of inquiry, and gets my mind churning when I read it to start off my Mondays at work.— Sean Dennison, QA Engineering Manager at Leapfrog Online
It’s refreshingly different from many other newsletters out there. Presented in a clear, easy to read and “programmer-friendly” manner.— Njenga Muriu, Lead Developer at Health-E-Net
Good, concise and informative. What all newsletters should be.— Paul L, InfoSec executive