Maximiliano Firtman

jQuery Mobile: multiplatform HTML5 webapps

Date: This event took place live on May 09 2012

Presented by: Maximiliano Firtman

Duration: Approximately 60 minutes.

Cost: Free

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Designers and web developers have the ability to create semantic mobile webapps for multiple platforms -including iOS, Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry- with jQuery Mobile. It's an open source framework optimized for touch devices that will deliver mobile experiences with literally no knowledge of HTML5 or JavaScript. In this webcast, Maximiliano Firtman, author of jQuery Mobile: Up and Running, will go through the basics of jQuery Mobile and will talk about some myths around this framework that most web developers and designers believe today.

About Maximiliano Firtman

Max Firtman is a mobile+web developer, trainer, speaker and writer. He is Adobe Community Champion and founder of ITMaster Professional Training. He wrote many books, including "Programming the Mobile Web" published by O'Reilly Media and the upcoming book "jQuery Mobile: Up and Running".

He has a blog about mobile web development at and he maintains the website

He is a frequent speaker at conferences, including OSCON, Breaking Development Velocity Conference, Google Developer Day, Nokia Developer Days, Campus Party Europe and many other events around the world.

He has received different recognitions, including Nokia Developer Champion yearly since 2006; Adobe Community Champion in 2011, and a Google recognition for being one of the most innovative mobile developers.